怎么看到有老外用‘I was done’?这不是被动语态吗?不应该是‘i had done’吗?


I was done是我已经完成了(或做好了)的意思。 done是形容词,是完成了、办好了的意思。
was done是系动词+形容词。

I had done.是我(在过去地时间以前)已经做过了的意思。done是do的过去分词,这个done和上句的done并不是一个词。
第1个回答  2013-04-01
sb is done (with sth)
(=someone has finished doing or using something)
 As soon as I'm done, I'll give you a call.
 Are you done with this magazine?
 I'll be glad when the exams are over and done with
(=completely finished) .
第2个回答  2013-04-01
地道英语有“I am done." 意思是”我完事儿了。”