
future might sick stay check choose spell reply rich poor if goal lawyer kid as wife lock key butactor

1. You should start saving money for the future 为了你的未来,你应该存钱。
2. I think that might be a cat over there 我想那边可能是只猫
3. he is sick in hospital 他生病住院了
4. I stayed late at the party last night 昨晚我在宴会上呆晚了些
5. I am just going to check this money 我正要去核查这笔钱
6. Would you like to choose the wine?你要挑葡萄酒吗
7. Can you spell it? 你能拼写她吗?
8. Have you replied to this letter? 你回信了吗?
9. He is a rich businessman. 他是一个富有的商人
10. It’s a very poor country. 这是一个非常贫穷的国家
11. Give me a ring if you need any help. 如果你需要帮助就给我打电话
12. Set yourself new goals, and try to achieve them. 给自己定些新目标,然后力图实现
13. She is a lawyer. 她是个律师
14. There are many kids under the tree. 树下有很多小孩
15. He is not as old as me. 他年纪没我大
16. This is his wife, Jenny. 这是他的妻子,Jenny.
17. I have locked the door. 我已经锁门了
18. I have lost the car keys. 我把车钥匙弄丢了
19. I’d like to go, but I can’t. 我想去,但无法去。
20. he is a experienced actor. 他是一位经验丰富的演员。
因为最后一个单词实在不知道是什么,所以我只能理解成是由but 和actor组成的了。