
18.I have got a loaf of bread;now I amlooking for a knife_______.
A.to cut it with B.to cut with it C.with it to cut D.with it cutting
19.As it turned out to be a small houseparty,we_____so formally.
A.need not have dressed up B.must not have dressed up
C.did not need to dress up C.must not dress up
20.He is very rich,so he______.
A.must make a fortune B.should have made a fortune
C.must have made a fortune D.should make a fortune
21.In the United States during themid-1960s an inflation rate of three percent per year_______
Great alarm.
A.raised B.arose C.aroused D.rose
22.---Do you think the Stars will beat theBulls?
----Yes.They have better players,so I______them to win.
A.hope B.Prefer C.expect D.want

18 == a knife to my bread with -----做定语,变成句子就是:- - - a knife so that I can cut my bread with it (the knife). 同样,I need a pen to write a letter with.== I need a pen with which I can write a letter 。
19 I didn't need to dress up 解释为“因为没有必要-- - ,所以也就没有- - -- ”
I needn't have dressed up解释为“尽管没有必要- - - ,但还是- -- 了”。
20 should have made a fortune -------解释为“应该发财了,但是没有发财”
must have made a fortune-------解释为“肯定已经发财了”。
21 raise a great alarm------没有这样的表达。
arouse a great alarm == cause a great alarm ---------解释为“导致/ 引起了警觉”。
22 如果是want them to win,解释为“我不考虑the Stars的实力,就是要他们赢”。
如果是expect them to win,往往是以事实为依据来期待the stars赢得比赛。追问

第19题 我还是不理解为什么选A,不选C


19 I didn't need to dress up 解释为“因为没有必要-- - ,所以也就没有- - -- ”
== i didn't dress up because it was not necessary (for me to do so).

I needn't have dressed up解释为“尽管没有必要- - - ,但还是- -- 了”。
== i dressed up though i should not have (done so).

------As / since it was a small family party, i didn't need to dress up.这题解释:事先(去party以前)就知道是小型party,所以就没有dress up。
2 你的原句的意思是:i dressed up though i shouldn't have because i later found it was a small one.------这是事后才知道/到了party以后才知道。

第1个回答  2013-08-10
18.it(代词)一般会放在动词和介词之间,比如pick it up,make it up,etc
19.①may(might)have done sth和can(could)have done sth用于推测过去时间里可能发生的事情 eg:Philip may/might have been hurt seriously in the car accident. 菲利普可能在车祸中受了重伤
At that point in my life ,I could have done anything or become anyone. 在我人生的那个阶段,我本可以做任何事,成为任何人。
②must have done sth 用于推测过去时间里可能发生的事情,语气强,含有肯定想必之意
Eg:I must have forgotten to tell you. 我一定是忘记告诉你啦
对推测过去否定用:can’t have done或cuold’t have done
Eg: He could’t possibly have said why. 他肯定没有说出个所以然来
③should/ought to have done sth 表示过去本应该做某事而实际上没有做
否定:should’t ought not to have done sth 表示过去本部该做某事而做啦
Eg:He ought not have thrown the old clothes away. 他本不该把旧衣服扔啦(实实际上扔啦)
④need’t have done sth 表示没必要做某事而实际上做啦
Eg:I need’t have gone to the station. 我本没必要去车站
21.查字典喽 单词迷惑
Raise 举起 竖起 arose :raise的过去式 arouse:唤醒 引起 rose:当然是玫瑰的啦
Hope搭配:hope to do eg:I hope to visit ……
Hope for +n. 表示可实现的希望 eg:I hope for success
Hope+that从句 eg:I hope (that) you will be better soon
②perfer 喜欢
Prefer搭配:perfer doing to doing 喜欢干某事
Perfer to do rather than do 宁愿干而不愿意干
Prefer that从句 +虚拟语气(should do)
expect 搭配:expect to do 期望做某事
expect much of sb 对某人给予很大期望
expect that…… 期望。。。。。。
第2个回答  2013-08-10
18 to cut it with中it做宾语,cut是谓语,这样主谓宾都齐了,with相当于宾语补足语,整个意思是切了他with knife
19 turned说明是过去时,排除c选项,我们需要穿的正式,选need
20 他非常富有,一定是赚大钱了,选must
21 美国的通胀率引起了警示,arouse表示激发 引起 唤起的意思,题目考察词语的意思
22 期望做什么事,用expect to 属于常用句型
第3个回答  2013-08-10
18.不定式作定语,短语动词要完整。19.need not have done 结构,本不必做某事。20.must have done 肯定做过某事。21.arouse 是及物动词,引起。 22.expect 期待某人会赢。
第4个回答  2013-08-10




22.want是自己想做什么,而expect是期望别人做什么。本题是the stars在做什么,而不是自己。