

肌肉也会“生锈”,而肌肉一旦“生锈”,老化速度必然加快。原来,肌肉代谢需要大量氧气,而氧气在氧化过程中形成大量的游离根,并积聚在肌肉组织中,造成“污染”,时间一长肌肉组织将发生坏死,这种变化与铁器生锈的机理一样,都是具有强烈氧化作用的氧气作孽的结果。有没有阻止这种氧化作用保护肌肉免受游离根“锈蚀”的办法呢?回答是肯定的,那就是补足维生素C和维生素E。一般成人每天服用12~35毫克维生素E和60毫克维生素C就足够了。肌肉的增长还离不开众多矿物元素的鼎立相助。 铬 维持肌肉力量所必需的矿物质之一,一个男子每天至少需要50微克,爱好运动者则需要增至100~200微克。对策:每天吃一串鲜葡萄或葡萄干,葡萄享有“铬库”之称。另外,餐桌上要经常保证有粗粮,食品加工越精细,铬的含量就越少。  镁 镁在人体的主要作用是参与神经肌肉的传导,增强肌肉的灵敏度。成年男子每日的推荐量为350毫克。对策:早餐喝一碗麦片粥并吃一个鸡蛋,可供给每日镁需要量的70%。另外,绿叶食物是镁的最佳来源,坚果、海产品中也含有丰富的镁。水也是镁的来源之一,故男人要多喝水。  硼 前列腺的保护神之一。对策:每天喝一杯香草冰淇淋(约含25毫克硼),吃1把南瓜子(50克左右),大致可满足人体对硼的生理需求。  锌 男人的“性元素”之一,对精子的数量与质量以及性勃起都有意义。对策:多吃瘦牛排。一个男人每天锌的正常需要量是15毫克,而100克瘦牛肉即可提供锌日需要量的一半。其他食物诸如海鲜、猪瘦肉、粗粮、鸡蛋、蘑菇中锌也不少。  多做力量训练  肌肉的兴旺发达还离不开运动,最能增加肌肉体积和力量的运动当数力量练习,包括举重、投掷、仰卧起坐、俯卧撑、引体向上等。其中,举重特别值得推荐。举重主要锻炼肩部、背上部和臂部肌肉力量,是一种“高负荷”的肌肉训练,具有很好的激活提高雄性激素受体水平的作用,体内的雄激素可在举重后的48小时达到顶峰。同时,举重也是一个很好的减肥方法。  有氧运动也有一定的促进功效,如散步、慢跑、健身舞、游泳等,可以加快呼吸心跳,满足肌肉对氧气的需求,增加肌肉的灵活性、柔韧性与平衡性。其中又以游泳为最佳,是保证肌肉年轻化的最好方式。据研究,一个人只想维持肌肉现状,每周游泳2次即可达到目标,若要提高肌肉功能,必须增至每周3次,如果天天下游泳池则可长保肌肉青春。  最好是将有氧运动与力量练习结合起来。不妨这样安排:每周做力量练习3次,每次30分钟,其余时间做有氧运动。
第1个回答  2013-07-28
Multiple studies have suggested that mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the loss of muscle mass and functional impairment commonly seen in older people.多有研究显示,线粒体功能障碍是涉及损失肌肉质量和功能障碍常见于老年人。 The study was the first to examine the gene expression profile, or the molecular “fingerprint”, of aging in healthy disease-free humans.这项研究是第一个以研究基因的表达谱,或分子的"指纹" ,老龄化在健康无病的人。 Results showed that in the older adults, there was a decline in mitochondrial function with age.结果表明,在中老年人,有一个下降,线粒体功能随着年龄的。 However, exercise resulted in a remarkable reversal of the genetic fingerprint back to levels similar to those seen in the younger adults.不过,演习导致了显着的逆转遗传指纹回到水平相若那些出现在较年轻的成年人。 The study also measured muscle strength.这项研究还测肌力。 Before exercise training, the older adults were 59% weaker than the younger adults, but after the training the strength of the older adults improved by about 50%, such that they were only 38% weaker than the young adults.运动前训练中,老年人分别为59 % ,低于年轻成年人,但经过训练强度的老年人提高了约50 % ,例如,他们分别只有38 %弱于年轻人。
“We were very surprised by the results of the study,” said Melov. "我们都非常惊讶,研究结果说: " melov 。 “We expected to see gene expressions that stayed fairly steady in the older adults. "我们期望看到的基因表达即下榻都相当稳定,在中老年人。 The fact that their ‘genetic fingerprints’ so dramatically reversed course gives credence to the value of exercise, not only as a means of improving health, but of reversing the aging process itself, which is an additional incentive to exercise as you get older.”事实上,他们的'基因的指纹'得那么厉害改弦易辙,让轻信的价值运动,而不是仅作为一种手段,改善健康,但对扭转老化过程本身,这是一种额外的奖励,以演习为你变老" 。
The study participants were recruited at McMaster University.这项研究的参加者在招聘麦克马斯特大学。 The younger (18 to 28 with an average age of 21) and older (65 to 84 with an average age of 70) adults were matched in terms of diet and exercise; none of them took medication or had diseases that can alter mitochondrial function.年轻( 18至28日之间,平均年龄21 )和老年人( 65至84之间,平均年龄70岁)的成年人分别匹配而言,饮食和运动;他们之中没有服药或已病,可改变线粒体功能。 Tissue samples were taken from the thigh muscle.标本取自大腿肌肉。 The six month resistance training was done on standard gym equipment.该六个月阻力训练是做标准健身器材。 The twice-weekly sessions ran an hour in length and involved 30 contractions of each muscle group involved, similar to training sessions available at most fitness centers.在每周两次会议冉一小时长的,涉及到30个子宫收缩的每一组肌肉参与,类似培训班,可在最健身中心。 The strength test was based on knee flexion.强度测试是基于屈膝。
The older participants, while generally active, had never participated in formal weight training said co-first author Tarnopolsky, who directs the Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Clinic at McMaster University.老年人参加,而一般活跃,从来没有参加正式的重量训练说,共同第一作者tarnopolsky ,谁指使神经肌肉和neurometabolic诊所麦克马斯特大学。 In a four-month follow up after the study was complete, he said most of the older adults were no longer doing formal exercise in a gym, but most were doing resistance exercises at home, lifting soup cans or using elastic bands.在4个月的随访后,研究完成后,他表示,大多数的老年人不再做正式演习在健身房,餐厅,但大多数人在做抵抗,在家练,起重汤罐或用橡皮筋。 “They were still as strong, they still had the same muscle mass,” said Tarnopolsky. "他们仍然是那么强大,他们仍然有着同样的肌肉质量,说: " tarnopolsky 。 “This shows that it’s never too late to start exercising and that you don’t have to spend your life pumping iron in a gym to reap benefits.” "这表明,它永远不会太迟开始锻炼,并认为你不须花你的人生抽水铁在健身房中获益" 。
Future studies are being designed to determine if resistance training has any genetic impact on other types of human tissue, such as those that comprise organs; researchers also want to determine whether endurance training (running, cycling) impacts mitochondrial function and the aging process.未来,我们正在研究,设计,以确定是否阻力训练有遗传的影响,对其他类型的人体组织,例如那些包括机关;研究者也希望借此确定是否耐力训练(跑步,骑自行车)的影响,线粒体功能和老龄化进程加快。 The most recent study also points to particular gene expressions that could be used as starting points for chemical screenings that could lead to drug therapies that would modulate the aging process.最近期的研究还指出,尤其是基因表达可能被用来作为出发点,为化学放映,可能会导致药物疗法,这将调节老龄化进程加快。
“The vast majority of aging studies are done in worms, fruit flies and mice; this study was done in humans,” said Melov. "绝大多数的老化研究是在蠕虫,果蝇和小鼠;这项研究是在人类, "说melov 。 “It’s particularly rewarding to be able to scientifically validate something practical that people can do now to improve their health and the quality of their lives, as well as knowing that they are doing something which is actually reversing aspects of the aging process.” "的特别奖励必须能够科学地验证了一些实事,人们现在能做的,以改善他们的健康和生活质素,以及明知他们是做了一些实际上是扭转方面的老龄化进程加快" 。
声望降压研究所是一个独立的非营利性组织,致力于扩大healthspan ,健康多年的每一个人的生活。.降压研究所的科学家在工作中的一项创新性的,跨学科的设置要了解机制老化,并能发现新的破案的方法,预防和治疗与年龄有关的疾病 合作研究,该研究所是支持基因组学,蛋白质组学和生物信息学技术。