我读六年级马上要毕业考试了 求老师帮我出一些重点中学的重点题型


Yù jùn téng huī
抵( ) ( )工 ( )写 春( )
(1)武术擂(léi lèi)台赛正在激烈地进行着,双方的拉拉队毫不示弱,拼着劲儿擂(léi lèi)鼓呐喊。
(2)躲在屏(bǐng píng)风后面的她,屏(bǐng píng)住呼吸,惟恐被同伴发现。
3、 用横线画出句子中的错别字,并把正确的字写在括号里。(2分)
廉颇说他功无不克,战无不胜,蔺相如没有什么能奈。( )( )
千( )一发 精兵( )政 千山一( ) 自( )自受
应接不( ) 罪( )祸首 盛气( )人 ( )辕北辙
2、我还能写出形容很专心的四字词语:( )(2分)
祝愿 心愿
(1)这也是全世界爱好和平的人民的共同( )。
(2)世纪宝鼎表达了中国人民对联合国的美好( )
1、在( )里用“√”或“×”判断下列句子表达是否正确。(2分)
(1)“《将相和》这篇课文的内容和插图都很精美。”这个句子表达上没有毛病。( )
(2)“元宵、端午、中秋、除夕”是按时间的顺序排列的。( )

海纳百川 大好春光看今朝
锲而不舍 有容乃大
风流人物数当代 人情练达即文章
世事洞明皆学问 金石可镂

(1) ,青春作伴好还乡。
(2)“青山遮不住, 。”选自 的《 》

1、博古通今:盘古、女娲、夸父、后羿都是我国古代神话中的人物,其中创造人类的是( )(2分)。
A盘古 B女娲 C夸父 D后羿

1、本文段的作者是 ,他被人们誉为“ ”。你还读过
他 和 这两部作品。(4分)
2、通过阅读和理解,你发现,本文段中,小女孩的心情经历了这样的变化:起初,为檫不檫火柴而( ),随后,为火柴带来的温暖而( ),后来,又为火柴的熄灭而( )。(3分)
4、“她敢从成把的火柴里抽出一根,在墙上擦燃了,来暖和暖和自己的小手吗?她终于抽出了一根。”这句话让你体会到 。(2分)
  “这是你的手,老师。” 孩子小声答道。
1、“喝酒”的“喝”用音序查字法应查 ,用部首查字法应查 部。(1分)
无足挂齿( ) 估计( ) 贫穷( ) 推测( )




(一) 小试牛刀:小练笔。(5分)

2、有一定的条理,书写工整, 正确应用标点符号,不写错别字。
一、找出下列单词划线部分的发音与所给音标相同的单词 3%
( ) 1. /æ/ A. answer B. along C. camera
( ) 2. /u:/ A. cook B. cool C. good
( ) 3. /au/ A. know B. snow C. cow
( ) 4. /i:/ A. early B. concert C. people
( ) 5. /e/ A. everything B. plan C. number
( ) 6. /z/ A. slow B. envelopes C. oranges
二、词型转换 4%
1. country (复数) ____________________ 2. far (比较级)______________________
3. open (现在分词)___________________ 4. quick (副词)______________________
5. know (同音词)____________________ 6. weren’t (原形)_____________________
7. after (反义词) ____________________ 8. No. (完全形式)_____________________
三、词组英汉互译 10%
1. 举行生日聚会 6. be good at Maths and English
2. 有个相同的爱好 7. about two kilometers away
3. 一些其他的科目 8. on holiday in the UK
4. 看上去很像 9. the man next to me
5. 想做得更好 10. eat lots of delicious food
四、选择填空 15%
( ) 1. There _____ a cat and two birds in the tree just now..
A. were B. has C. is D. was
( ) 2. Why _____ you buy some fruit?
A. not B. not to C. don’t D. don’t to
( ) 3. Would you like _________ for your breakfast?
A. any eggs B. any strawberries C. some bread D. some apples juice
( ) 4. Do you know the answer ________ the question?
A. to B. of C. at D. in
( ) 5. Thank you ________ me.
A. for help B. for helping C. at helping D. to help
( ) 6. I’m going to school ______ Monday morning.
A. at B. in C. of D. on
( ) 7. ________ would your brother like as a birthday present?
A. How B. What C. How many D. Where
( ) 8. Helen _______ beautifully and she likes _________ very much.
A. dances, dancing B. dancing, dances C. dance, dance D. dance, to dance
( ) 9. I like Art. __________ you?
A. How are B. What about C. What are D. How do
( ) 10. Whose ruler is longer, _____________?
A. yours or her B. yours or his C. my or his D. their or her
( ) 11. In Suzhou it doesn’t often _______ in winter, but it is ________ in summer.
A. snowy, rainy B. snow, rains C. snow, rainy D. snowy, rains
( ) 12. I watch interesting cartoons on CCTV 3 __________.
A. two days B. two every days C. every two days D. every two day
( ) 13. Go ________ the street and turn left ______ the second crossing.
A. long, at B. away, to C. along, at D. along, to
( ) 14. ________ meat do you want? Two kilos, please.
A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much
( ) 15. He’s _______ my purse, but he can’t _________ it.
A. looking for, find B. seeing, looks for C. finding, look at D. looking at, see
五、选择括号内适当的单词填空 5%
1. David and I ____________ ( am/are ) in the same class. David ___________ ( likes/is liking ) making model planes, but I ___________ ( don’t like/don’t).
2. Mr Black is my ___________ ( first/the first ) PE teacher. He is __________ ( the best/better ) in our school.
3. Let the old woman ___________ ( gets on/get off ) the bus first.
4. The ________________ (Australia/Australian ) man is coming. I would like to ___________ ( be/do ) his _____________ ( friends/friend ).
5. There ___________ ( isn’t/are ) any milk in the bottles.
六、按要求完成下列句子 8%
1. He wrote a letter to his dad in New York. (改为现在进行时)
Now he _____________ _______________ a letter to his dad in New York.
2. It’s a quarter to ten. It’s time for cartoons. (改为近义句)
It’s nine ____________. It’s time __________ ___________ cartoons.
3. He does some exercise every morning. (改一般疑问句)
_________ he ______ ______ exercise every morning?
4. She saw the film last year. (划线部分提问) ___________ ________ she _______ the film?
5. The station is about 6 kilometers away from our school. (划线部分提问)
____________ ____________ is the station from your school?
6. She is going to buy a new hat, because her hat is too old. (划线部分提问)
_______________ __________ she going to _______ a new hat?
七、翻译下列句子, 每个空格填一词 5%
1. 昆明的大部分时间是很温暖的。
It is __________ ___________ of the time in Kunming.
2. 你想参加歌唱比赛吗? 是的,我很愿意。
Would you like _______ ________ _______ in the singing contest?Yes, _______ love to.
3. 南希来自法国,她会讲法语, 她打算在今天下午去参观中国历史博物馆。
Nancy is from ______________. She can speak _____________. She’s ____________ to visit the history museum in China __________ afternoon.
八、阅读短文, 选择适当的词填空 5%
every, pick, sweats, too, autumn, mooncakes, like, also, for, inside
Halloween is an holiday. It means “holy evening”, and it comes October 31st. It’s a holiday children. Every autumn children orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put lights . It looks a head. Children put on the masks and ask for . The Mid-autumn Festival is an autumn holiday, . The family usually sit together, watch the moon and eat the .
九、阅读理解 15%
Liu Tao: I want to write a letter.
Mum: Who do you want to write to?
Liu Tao: Mike. I want to be his penfriend . I saw his name in the newspaper yesterday afternoon.
Mum: Who’s Mike?
Liu Tao: He’s an English boy. He lives in London.
 根据上下文内容,填入适当的单词 (每空一词)5%
Mike is from __________ and lives in London. Liu Tao _______ to write a letter ________ him. He __________ about Mike in the newspaper yesterday afternoon. Liu Tao wants to _________ Mike’s penfriend.
Bob and Jim worked in the same factory. One day Jim borrowed(借) ten dollars from Bob, but then Jim left his work and went to work in another town, so he didn’t give back the money. Bob didn’t see Jim for a year. Later, he knew from a friend where Jim was. So one day he went there to see him late in the evening. When he got to Jim’s room, he saw his shoes near the door. “Well, he must be in.” He thought. He knocked at the door. There was no answer. He knocked again and said, “I know you are in, Jim. Your shoes are out here.”
 判断下列句子是否与短文意思相符, 相符的写“T”, 不相符的写“F” 5%
( ) 1. Bob and Jim worked in the same school.
( ) 2. Bob got some money from Jim.
( ) 3. Jim didn’t give back the money when he went to another town.
( ) 4. Jim didn’t meet Bob for two years.
( ) 5. When Bob knocked at the door, Jim opened.
The Road family often does housework together at the weekends. Pam often cleans bedrooms. Her father buys groceries (食品杂货) for the next week. Her mum washes the clothes. John, Pam’s brother, helps to cut grass in their garden.
The Roads often ride a bike to the park nearby. In the park, they can play basketball and football. They always have a good time there.
It is happy when a family works and plays together.
 根据短文内容选择正确答案5%
( ) 1. How many people are there in the Road family? __________
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
( ) 2. The Road family likes to __________________.
A. go on a picnic B. go shopping C. have a rest D. go to the park
( ) 3. When the family work together, they feel________.
A. tired B. happy C. angry D. sad
( ) 4. ____________ cuts the grass in the garden.
A. Father B. Mother C. Pam D. John
( ) 5. A good title (标题) for the passage is ___________.
A. A family works and plays together B. Cleaning the rooms
C. A big family D. Pam and her parents

1. world 2. tomorrow 3. concert 4. right 5. present 6. a quarter to twelve 7. go jogging 8. a post office 9. Open the box for me. 10. His telephone number is 68851765.
1. A. Can I help you? B. Yes, I’d like a roll of film. Q: Where are they?
2. A. What would you like as a birthday present, Helen? B: I’d like a VCD of cartoons. How about you, Tom? A: A CD Walkman. Q: What would Tom like as his birthday present?
3. A. How do you spend your weekend, Mike? B. I often go to see my grandparents. But last weekend, I went to the farm in a town. Q: How did Mike spend his weekend last week?
4. A. What’s the weather like in London? B: In spring, it’s often warm and usually rains. In winter, it’s usually cold and windy. In autumn, it’s cool and foggy. And it’s often sunny in summer. Q: What’s the weather like in London in spring?
5. A: Does the boy in green swim faster than the boy in blue? B: No, the boy in blue swims faster than the boy in green. Q: Who is good at swimming?
三、听录音,判断,与短文意思相符的写“T”, 不相符的写“F”(读三遍)5%
Little Peter is nine years old. And now he is in Grade Three. He lives not far from the school but he is often late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he can’t get up early in the morning. This term, Mrs Black, Peter’s aunt, works in Peter’s school. She asks Peter to come to school earlier. This morning, Peter got up late again. When he ran to school, it was a quarter past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.
“You are ten minutes late for the first class, Peter.” Mrs Black said unhappily. “Why are you often late?” “Every time I get to the street, I always see a sign. It says ‘SCHOOL---GO SLOW!’ Peter answered.
四、听短文, 填写所缺的单词(读三遍)10%
There are four seasons in a year. They’re spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring the weather is warm. The trees turn green. People like to fly the kites and go rowing. In summer the weather gets hot. People like to go swimming and eat ice-cream. In autumn it’s cool and the trees turn yellow. People like to go camping and have an outing. In winter the weather is cold and people usually go skating and make snowmen.

一、C B C C A C二、BACDB 三、TFTFF 四:seasons, They’re, warm, turn, gets, swimming, yellow, camping, outing, snowmen 五、ABCCA BCAAC 六、略 七、略
八、DCCAB DBABB CCADA 九、are, likes, don’t; first, the best; get off; Australian, be, friend; isn’t 十、is, writing; forty-five, to, watch; Does, do, any; When, did, see; How, far; Why, is, buy 十一、warm, most; to, take, part, I’d; France, French, going, this 十二、 autumn every for pick inside like also sweats too mooncakes. 十三、1)England, wants, to, read, be 2) FFTFF 3) CDBDA
3÷ = × = 1- = ÷5=
÷ = 0× = ÷ = 6+ =
× = ÷ = × = ÷ =
2.求比值。(3分) ﹕ 0.8﹕1.2
3.用简便方法计算。(4分) 24× × ×21 17× +17÷

4.解方程。(4分) X+ X= 4X-6× =2

×10÷ + × × - ÷3

18×( +6÷ ) ÷[ -( - )]

1.18× 表示 ,积是( )。
2. 3里面有( )个 ; ( )个 是4。
3. 2小时的 是20分钟; 千米的8倍是( )米。
4. 一个正方形的周长和它的边长的比是( ),把这个比写成分数形式是( )。
5. 在括号内填上“﹥”、“﹤”或“﹦”。
÷ ( ) × ( )
× ( ) ÷ - ( ) ÷6
6. 一袋糖重 千克,平均分成4份,每份是这袋糖重的 ,份糖重( )千克。
7. 一个长方体的棱长和是48厘米,长、宽、高的比是3﹕2﹕1,这个长方体的体积是( )立方厘米。
8. 小红身高1米,她妈妈身高160厘米,小红和她妈妈身高的比是( )。
9. 一根绳子剪去它的 ,正好是 米,这根绳子原来长( )米。
10. 甲、乙两车同时从A、B两地出发,相向而行,经过 小时在
中相遇,甲车每小时行X千米,相遇时乙车行了Y千米。A、B两地的路程是( )千米。
1. 六(1)班男生人数是女生人数的 倍,女生人数比男生人数多 。…( )
2. 除0以外的自然数的倒数一定小于1。………( )
3. 一个数除以 ,相当于把这个数扩大10倍。…( )
4. 1吨的 和700克的 同样重。…………( )
1. 因为 × =1,所以( )。(1) 是倒数
(2) 是倒数 (3) 和 是倒数 (4) 和 互为倒数
2. 一个数的 是 ,这个数是多少?正确算式是( )。
(1) × (2) ÷ (3) × (4) ÷
3. 数a的 等于数b的 (a≠0,b≠0),数a( )数b。
(1)﹥ (2)﹤ (3)﹦ (4)不能确定
1. 减去 除以5的商,所得的差乘 ,积是多少?

2. 加上 的和乘一个数,等于 ,这个数是多少?

1. 李明收集邮票40枚,王红收集的邮票比李明多 。李明比王红少收集邮票多少枚?

2. 学校种植一批树苗,其中樟树有10棵,桂花树的棵数是樟树的 ,同时又是广玉兰的 。学校种植了多少棵广玉兰?

3. 润发超市卖出啤酒,八月份卖出的箱数与七月份卖出的箱数比是4﹕5。八月份卖出了180箱,七月份卖出了多少箱?

4. 小强看一本科技书,第一天看了20页,第二天看了25页,还剩了全书的 。这本科技书有多少页?

5. 一个农业专业户养的鸡和鸭共有180只,其中鸡的只数是鸭的 。鸡和鸭各有多少只?

6. 已知一个直角三角形的两个锐角的度数比是1﹕4,这个三角形中最小的那个角是多少度?

7. 图中阴影部分的面积是24平方厘米,已知阴影部分占三角形面积的 ,占正方形面积的 求正方形面积与三角形面积的比。
第1个回答  2013-04-18
第2个回答  2013-04-18