五年级英语作文:Library rules (图书馆规矩)

用上must和must‘t 谢谢大家!
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Library rules ,图书馆规矩有很多,不能随便带食物到座位上面吃,不能随便大声讲话都是规矩。

When you enter the library, you must keep quiet. You can't make any noise and affect others' study. Also, you must not bring food into the library. The library is a place to study, not a place to eat. 

The library is a good place to study. If you can't concentrate on your study in the dormitory, you can go to the library to study.


第1个回答  2013-04-27
You must keep quite while walking.
You mustn't talk in the library.
You must keep the books clean during reading.
You mustn't eat in the library.
You must put the books back to the bookshelf after reading.
You mustn't damage the books.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-04-27
When you are in a library, there are several rules you need to follow.
First of all, you must be quiet in the library. And then, you mustn't eat or drink inthe library. Also, you must put the books back after reading them. Last but not least, you mustn't damage the books.
You will have a good time in llibrary if you follow the library rules correctly.追问

