would have had to和would have to的区别

来源这一句(原文背景是讲述古代壁画,都画在不见天日的黑暗洞穴里):You would have had to make a special trip into the cave to make the paintings,and a special trip to go see it,and each time you'd have to bring along torches to light your way.

注意,would have to在句中被缩写了。它们有何区别?以该句为例,这种区别造成意思表达上的何种区别?谢谢。

从语义上说,这两个表达方式都是表达说话人的判断。前一个的推断、猜想意味浓厚,因为年代久远的事,推断的把握不是很大,用would have had to更为合体;而后一句逻辑性很明显,自然就用would have to。要注意的是,这两个用法的“判断”含义都是在讲述过去事情的条件才有的。would have to 如果用在现在时中多是表示“建议”。