

第1个回答  2011-09-25
(一)古之学者必有师.师者,所以传道受业解惑也.人非生而知之者,孰能无惑 惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣.生乎吾前,其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之;生乎吾后,其闻道也亦先乎吾,吾从而师之.吾师道也,夫庸知①其年之先后生于吾乎 是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也.
译文:古代求学的人一定有老师.老师,(是)靠(他)来传授真理,讲习学业,解释疑难的.人不是生下来就懂得知识和道理的,谁能没有疑难呢 有了疑难而不向老师求教,那些疑难就始终无法解决了.生在我前头的人,他懂得真理和知识本来就比我早,我应该向他学习;生在我后面的人,如果他懂得真理和知识比我早,我也应该向他学习.我(向他们)学习的是真理和知识,哪管他们的年龄比我大还是比我小呢 因此不管地位贵贱,不管年纪大小,真理和知识在哪里,老师也就在哪里.
(二)嗟乎!师道之不传也久矣!欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣人,其出人也远矣,犹且从师而问焉;今之众人,其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻学于师.是故圣益圣,愚益愚.圣人之所以为圣,,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎 爱其子,择师而教之;于其身也,则耻师焉,惑矣.彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者,非吾所谓传其道解其惑者也.句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不焉,小学而大遗,吾未见其明也.巫医乐师百工之人,不耻相师.士大夫之族,曰师曰弟子云者,则群聚而笑之.问之,则曰:"彼与彼年相若也,道相似也,位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀."呜呼!师道之不复,可知矣.巫医乐师百工之人,君子不齿,今其智乃反不能及,其可怪也欤!
李家的孩子名蟠的,十七岁了,喜欢古文,六经和它的传文,全都学习过.他不受时俗风气的限制,向我来学习.我赞许他能实行古人求师的正道,就作这篇《师说》赠给他.。 本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-09-23

  [4]业:泛指古代经、史、诸子之学及古文写作,可 以参看本书下面所选韩愈《进学解》中所述作者治学内容。
  [5]人非生而知之者:人不是生下来就懂得道理。之,指知识和道理。语本《论语·述而》:“子曰:‘我非生而知之者,好古敏以求之者也。’” 《论语·季氏》:“孔子曰:‘生而知之者,上也;学而知之者,次也。’”孔子承认有生而知之的人,但认为自己并非这样。韩愈则进一步明确没有生而知之的人。
  [18]句读(dòu逗):也叫句逗。古代称文辞意尽处为句,语意未尽而须停顿处为读(逗),句号为圈,逗号为点。古代书籍上没有标点,老师教 学童读书时要进行句逗的教学。读,通“逗”。
  [20]小学而大遗:小的方面(句读之不知)倒要学习,大的方面(惑之不解)却放弃了。    [21]巫医:古代用祝祷、占卜等迷信方法或兼用药物医治疾病为业的人,连称为巫医。《逸周书·大聚》有关于“巫医”的记载。《论语·季氏》:“人而无恒,不可以作巫医。”视为一种低下的职业。
  [31] 郯(tán)子:春秋时郯国(今山东郯城一带)的国君,孔子曾向他请教过少皞(hào浩)氏(传说中古代帝王)时代的官职名称。
  [32]苌(cháng)弘:东周 敬王时候的大夫,孔子曾向他请教古乐。师襄:春秋时鲁国的乐官,名襄,孔子曾向他学习弹琴。师,乐师。
  [33]老聃(dān丹):即老子,春秋时楚国人,思想家, 道家学派创始人。孔子曾向他请教礼仪。
  [38]六艺经传(zhuàn):六艺的经文和传文。六艺:指六经,即《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》、《春秋》六部儒家经典。经:两汉及其以前的散文。传:注解经典的作。   [39]不拘于时:不被时俗所限制。时,时俗,指当时士大夫中耻于从师的不良风气。于,被   [40]余嘉其能行古道:嘉:赞许  
  [42] 不齿:不屑与之同列,表示鄙视。 齿,原指年龄,也引伸为排列。幼马每年生一齿,故以齿计马岁数,也以指人的年龄。古人常依年龄长少相互排列次序。本句反映封建阶级的传统偏见。
第3个回答  2011-09-23
(选自廖燕《续师说一》) 似未尽发其义,予故续之。宇宙有五大,师其一也。一曰天,二曰地,三曰君,四曰亲,五曰师。师配天地君亲而为言,
第4个回答  2011-09-23
"Ancient scholars there will be teachers, teacher, preacher learn from a teacher, remove apprehensions. "In ancient times people, must have a teacher. The teacher, is the transfer principle, taught business knowledge and skills, explanations of difficult problems. "Person not born, make confused? One should instead of teaching, it is a puzzle, puzzling. "People are not born knowing all the, who can without problems? Has the problem not to learn from the teacher, it as the problem, will never be solved. "Students before me, its about the Tao, solid-my first, my body and to master it; born after me, its about the Tao is also my first, my body and to master it. "Born before me, he knows truth, before me, I should certainly follow him; born in after me, if he knew, and before me, I should follow him. "My road, mediocre known year was born in me? "I studied logic, then why bother asking him older than my size? "Be free of your base, no longer no less stored road, architect of the deposit. "So whatever noble, regardless of the abject, both older, whether young, where is the truth, where is the teacher. "It never hits! Road not too long! No puzzle difficult to people! "Alas! Teaching of the truth has been lost for a long time! If you want to make it difficult for people no doubt! "Ancient Saints, its also far wrong, even teaching and asked Yan; now all saints are also far under it, and shame than Division. "Ancient Saints, they exceeded the average person a lot, but it was such a teacher ask; now most people, they much more worse than Sage, is to learn from the teacher are ashamed. "Is this Holy Yi, Yu Yi-Yu. Saints are holy, fools is folly, it is for this? "So the Saints more and more sophisticated, fool and more and more confused. Saints, good reason, a fool because of confused, presumably arising from this situation? "Love their child, optional teacher teach; to its body, shame master yan, delusion. "Some people love to his children, just choose a teacher to teach him; for his own, ashamed of it to the teacher for advice, this really confused. "He was the boys Division, giving its readers book acquisition, not my so-called popular solution for its puzzle also; the period and the comma is not known, one should understand, or master yan, or not yan, primary school and left, I did not see its express. "That children were of teacher, is to book taught children were to learning reading book Shang of textual of, is not I by said of taught those reason, resolve those difficult problem of; a situation is does not know sentences and phrases, a situation is has difficult of problem cannot resolve; does not know sentences and phrases on to teacher consult, has difficult problem cannot resolve is does not to teacher consult, small of things to learning, large of things instead gave up has, I see does not out he understand reason Ah. "Witch-musician with hundreds of people, not Division of shame. "Witch, doctor, musician, and various craftsmen, not ashamed to ask each other. "Family of scholar-bureaucrats, ends ends disciple cloud Division, bunching and smiling; asked, you said, ' he is similar to Binian, similar to road. ' Humble foot too embarrassed, guansheng is flatter. "The scholar-officials in this category of people, when it comes to teachers and disciples of the call, members get together to ridicule him, asking why they laugh, they said:" he tells him age almost, know truth is comparable. "In a low status of the person as a teacher, they will feel shameful, official man of a teacher, considered to be near a flattering. "Die! Road no longer, we can see. Witch-musician with hundreds of people, the gentleman in contempt, this think tank is an anti-able and, its keguai OfficeCE@HIT-CE! "Ah! Teaching idea cannot be recovered, reasons, can understand. Wu, doctor, musician, and a variety of craftsmen who, scholar-officials looked down upon them, instead, now the wisdom of the scholar-officials to catch these people, I am afraid that is surprising! "Saint impermanence Division. Confucius ' Shi Tanzi, and Chang Hong, and Shi Xiang, and laodan. Tan, its Yin than Confucius. "Saint has no permanent teacher. Confucius to Tan son, Chang Hong, Shi Xiang, laodan learning. Tan to the men, their learning moral and miss the Confucius. "Confucius: three people walking, you will teach me. Is this disciple does not have to better architect, architects need not be yin to disciples, about the Tao, have to specialize in surgery industry, and if so. "Confucius said: three people travel together, there must be a person you can be my teacher. So the students are not necessarily everything than the teacher, teacher everything than students not necessarily wise and know how to reason after the first, each have their own specialized research in business, just like this. "The Lee Child POON, year 17, good prose, six arts classical works, all pleasure, when disregard to, Yu Yu, Yu Jia along the line, for the purpose of the masters say to Yi. "Lee's child called POON, 17 years old, likes classical Chinese, six classics and notes are learning, free from unhealthy then ashamed of teaching yourself at home, I learn, I commend him to engage in the ancient teaching of the truth, as this gave him the masters say.

Seeking man of ancient times there must be a teacher. The so-called teacher, is (to) knowledge transfer point, granted, the person answering difficult questions. People are not born understand makes sense, so who without problems? Problem is not with the teacher for advice, who became difficult problems would finally solved. Born in front of me, he knows truth before me, I follow him, to him as a teacher; born in behind me, if he also knows a reason before me, I learn with him. My Learning is a reason, which he was born in me before or after me? Thus, whether high or low status, regardless of their age is large or small, the reason exists and the teacher is out there.

Alas! Learning traditional teaching is not inherited has been a long time, is very difficult for people with no problems! In ancient times sages, beyond the average person far enough, even followed the teacher for advice; now the average person, they than Saints far enough, but to learn from the teacher to shame. Therefore, the sages are even more Holy enlightenment, fools are even more stupid. Sage makes a Saint, a fool makes a fool of, are probably because of this, right? People love their children, just choose a teacher to teach them; they do, he refused to teaching learning, which were being silly yesterday. The children's teacher, is to teach children reading and study books of Chinese sentences, not I say as a transfer point, explain problems of teachers. You don't know the book of textual teaching learning, issues and questions may be interpreted, but not to the teacher for advice, little things, events rather than discarded, I fail to see how they understand the sense of place. Witch doctor, musician, and various craftsman, not learning from each other as a stigma. Such people go to school in order to become an official, a hearing to "teacher" and "student", many people gathered to laugh at others. Ask them why, they say: "he and his older, learning is about. Of low status people as a teacher, I feel ashamed, says official high human teacher, near to fawnon. "Alas! Studied traditions of learning cannot recover from here can know. Witch doctor, music teacher, and craftsman, was the so-called upper class looked down upon, now those "upper class" sensible levels than these people, do you not are strange!

Sage has no permanent teachers. Confucius had to Tan son, Chang Hong, Shi Xiang, laodan into divisions. Tan-these people, their character than Confucius. Confucius said: "three of them walk together, it can be my teacher. "So, students may not be less than the teachers, the teachers than students not necessarily wise. Know a point after the first, skills business have studied and are good at, however.

Li's son named POON, 17 years old, like classical Chinese, Liu Jing, Scripture and notes have all learned, not to be shisu yourself at home, to learn from me. I commend his way of teaching can be carried out in ancient times, writing this the masters say to get to him.