


One weekend evening, my classmates and I made an appointment to play in the community.


I saw them all playing with skateboards. He slipped forward quickly on the skateboard, like a rabbit running.


I put my right foot first and then my left foot. My mother helped me slide slowly. The speed of the skateboard was very slow, like a little turtle walking.


Suddenly, I accidentally slipped my skateboard and fell on the gravel road.


As a result, the skateboard tripped over the uneven stone with a "pop". I quickly picked up the skateboard, put it right, and slid again. Sliding, sliding, I became skilled, and my feet can flexibly grasp the direction and quickly shake left and right.


I thought, "I'll learn this skill right away!" Thinking of this, I have reached the end. Everyone is happy for my progress. But at this time, I was a little tired, so I had a rest for a while.


Have a rest. I'm practicing again. At this time, I found that I could rush across the gravel road. At that moment, I seemed to jump up excitedly!


The next day my mother bought me a skateboard. From that day on, I practiced as soon as I had time. After a week, I finally learned it completely!


第1个回答  2015-12-05
A few days ago, my mother gave me a scooter. I am very, very happy! So I started practicing how skateboard. Mother said: "For security reasons the first practice at home now.!" I went to learn how to listen to my feet let slide command. But even on a skateboard it is so hard! A foot on a skateboard on the legs in the air and fell. Before long my ass seriously injured. Hey! Sad to say! Then I finally thought of a good way, his hands leaning on the table to start a new practice, finally taken the first step. But the body's sense of balance is not good, not three-line skate, feet on the earth. By repeatedly practice a morning, and watch the exercises discs. I finally learned how to skateboard. I am very happy本回答被网友采纳