
1 你当时肯定在以每小时70英里的速度行驶
2 他当时肯定在做作业
3 我当时肯定在胡思乱想
4 他昨天肯定没来过
5 他当时肯定没有在读书
6 他当时肯定不在寻找他的儿子


He must have driven at the speed of 70 miles per hour at that moment.
He must have been doing his home work at that time.
I must have been thinking confusedly.
he couldn't have been here yesterday.
he couldn't have been reading at that time
he couldn't have been looking for his son
没有must not have done, 表示对过去事情肯定的推测用must have done,否定的推测只能用can't/couldn't have done.
在反意疑问句中要根据具体的时态来定,如果句中有具体的过去时间状语的话就用did/didn't we,反之没有具体的过去时间状语,强调对现在影响时,就用完成时。
例如:He must have attended the party last night, didn't he?
He knows everything about it, so he must have read the book, hasn't he?
第1个回答  2011-08-01
1 you were sure at 70 MPH speed
2 he was sure in doing his homework
3 I was sure in the head
4 he certainly didn't come yesterday
5 he was definitely not in reading
6 he was sure not looking for his son
第2个回答  2011-08-01
you must be driving at 70 miles per hour.
he must be doing his homework.
i must be dreaming at that time.
he can't have come yesterday.
he can't be reading at that time.
he can't be finding his son at that time.