初三英语 求解! 最好把每个选项都解释一下 谢谢!答案可能是错的

1.When you __ at the door ,I __ some washing.C(D 我可以确定是错的)
A knocked ...did B was knocking .. did C knocked .. was doing D knock .. am doing
2.My brother __ college for over three years.C
A has gone to B has been to C has been in D has been for
3.John __ sure that he ____good at chemistry soon.D(A为什么不可以?)
A be .. will be B is .. would be C was.. will be D was .. would be
4.___ you __the text yet? yes.we __it two hours ago.C
A Did..copy...did B Have .. copied ..have C Have .. copied ..did
5.Mother__me a new coat yesterday,I __it on .It fits me well.B
A has made..have tried B made.. have tried C has made ..tried D made .. tried
6.The writer and teacher__ coming now.A(网上有答案说这是特例,指同一个人.希望得到更好的解释)
A is B are C has D have
7.Nothing but grass and trees__ the hill .B (A为什么不可以?)
A covers B cover C covering D is covering
8.Do you have __ to tell us ?C(我认为希望得到肯定回答用something)
A something new B new somthing C anything new D new anything
9.The poor man needs our help,__he? 答案不确定。
A need B needn't C does D doesn't
10.Nobody but Jane and Mary __the secret.B
A know B knows C have known D is known
11.She is one of the few girls who __ in the kindegarten.B(我选的是D。)
A is well paid B are well paid C is playing well D are playing well
12.I think he lives __ No.386 West St.D
Are you sure __ that? You'd better make sure .
A at,/ B in , of C in ,about D at,of
13.The pen writes well through it doean't cost much .B
Let me have a try .So ___(我不知道怎么区分A 和 B)
A it is Bit does C does it D is it
14.Butter and cheese __in price.A (C D 我可以排除 )
A has gone up B is gone up C have gone up D are gone up
15.When my father got home ,I ___ a letter to my friend .D(C为什么不可以?)
A write B am writing C wrote D was write

15 D, 应该是WRITING, 和第一道题目一样,从句一般过去式,主句用过去进行时,表示过去某个动作发生的时候,正在做的某件事;可以套用,从句一般现在时,主用过现在进行时

14 觉得应该选C, 黄油和奶酪的价格上涨了,这个是自然现象,不是认为可疑的,可以直接选用现在完成时

13,选择B, 意思是 SO IT DOES WIRTES WELL(笔确实很好写)省略了后面重复的词

11, B 这句话的意思是 WELL PAID待遇好,WHO 因为指定的是 FEW GIRLS 复数,所以选择 B

9, D 一般反问句有三种, 助动词+主语,BE动词+主语,情态动词+主语,当然要记得根据人称变化形态;还有就是主句是肯定,反问就用否定形式,主句否定,反问句就用肯定形式,现在来判断NEED在这个句子的成分,是做动词,需要的意思,所以用desn't he. Need 的情态动词用法一般还有在后面加个动词如MUST/SHALL/WOULD等用法

7,应该选A. NOTHING BUT 应该是根据动词就远原则,NOTHING才是动词的主语

8 C, 考试一般要选择最符合的选项,肯定句中用SOMETHING, 疑问句和否定句一般用ANYTHINGS, 要记住这点,考试的语法都是比较死板的。

6 A,要注意冠词THE的用法,这个应该是特指,作家就是老师,如果是两个人的话应该会些成
the writer and the teacher 或是ONE/A writer and one/a teacher

3 D, John后边不能接BE动词原形,一般都知道TO (BE) 或是情态动词 MUST (BE)才可以直接加动词原形,BE动词也是属于动词的一类,遇到第三人称单数要改变形式,所以这道题时态要对应 IS ```````````WILL BE,/ WAS ```````````WOULD BE
第1个回答  2011-08-16