
Firstly, I’d like to thank you, Prof.Jiang Yang, for your warm and friendly remarks, and you, ladies and gentlemen, for your hearty welcome. It is a great pleasure to be able to visit your beautiful university and to meet so many kind people who make me feel at home.
In the magnificent and glorious history of Chinese science and culture, your university has fostered and trained many outstanding scientists and men of letters,who have made immense contributions to the advancement of science and culture of not only your country,but to the rest of the world.
China is a great country and the Chinese people are a great people. The past several thousand years have produced great developments in science and technology. Here, there is much for me to see and much for me to learn. Of course, I will take this opportunity to swap experiences with my colleagues here.
As a scientist, I heartily welcome the great strides made over the past few years in the scientific, scholarly and cultural exchanges between your country and mine.This is conductive to the furtherance of mutual understanding,friendship,and cooperation between our two countries.I am sure all of you will agree when I say that we scientists and scholars must join our minds and hands to explore the secret of science and open new realms of civilization for the common progress of mankind.
I am overwhelmed by the kindness and hospitality with which you have received me. Allow me once again to express my sincere thanks to all of you for everything you have done on my account.

首先,非常感谢大家,Jiang Yang教授,感谢你热心、温暖的评价;感谢所有先生女士们的热烈欢迎。很荣幸能拜访你们美丽的大学以及遇到这么多热心人,让我感到宾至如归。