
西部牛仔介绍牛仔(cowboy),美国人又称为牧童。我们对于西部牛仔(west cowboy)的认识,大都源自于美国的西部影片。在影片里,西部牛仔通常身穿紧身衣,头戴宽沿帽,骑着高头大马,驰骋在美国西部蓝天白云下的广阔草原上。他们高大健硕,寡言少语,重信守诺,正直勇敢,他们的身上弥漫着浪漫传奇的英雄色彩,他们是法律和正义的真实维护者,是男子汉形象的最佳代表。但与牛仔的真实生活大相径庭,美国历史学家比林顿曾经写道:“好莱坞影片以及电视屏幕上形态优雅的牛仔英雄,与在开阔牧场的全盛时期为照顾牛群而辛苦工作的牛仔们毫无相似之处。”MerriamWebster’s1986年版的Intermediate Dictionary是这样定义cowboy的:“one who tends cattle or horses, especially a mounted cattle ranch worker.”[3] 简单地说,牛仔就是一群专业的驱牛者,是
一个牧人式的群体。在美国西部开拓时期的得克萨斯州一带,有许多拓荒者到那里开辟牧场,放牧菜牛,驯养野马。起初,他们向当地的墨西哥人学习,但很快就形成了从牧歌到服装、从放牧方式到骑术都具有自己特色的生活方式。这些人被称为“牛仔”。牛仔一生的大部分时间都在和牛、马打交道;要驯服那些性情暴烈的野马和牛群,就必须全面掌握牧畜的习性,还要学会娴熟的骑术(horsemanship)、套索(lasso/noose)本领。长期的艰苦生活,使“牛仔”们练就成健壮的身体、勇敢的精神和一身好骑术。又由于他们每天都在杳无人迹的旷野中驰骋,随时可能会遭遇到各种各样的危险以及恶劣的天气,所以他们大都富有冒险精神。牛仔的打扮也很别致:宽边帽、高统皮靴、皮边紧身马裤(riding breeches),体现出一种粗犷(straightforward,rough and uninhibited/bold,rough andunconstrained)、侠义(chivalrous)、劫富济贫(rob therich to give thepoor)和勇猛顽强的气质。其实,这种打扮并不是为了吸引人,而是为了适应放牧生活的需要。

Cowboy introduce cowboy (cowboy), also known as the americans. We for cowboy (west cowboy) understanding, mostly in the United States from western films. In the film, cowboy usually dressed in tights, head along the cap hose, riding a gao tou2 Malaysia, galloping in the western United States under the blue sky white cloud of the vast grasslands. They tall healthy, quiet as a mouse, the heavy letter kept a promise, integrity, courage, their body smell of the legendary hero romantic colour, they are the real law and justice supporter, is a man's best represent the image. But the real life of the cowboy is widely divergent, American historians than lyndon once wrote: "Hollywood film and television screen form elegant cowboy hero, and in the open pasture for cattle the heyday of the care and hard work of the cowboys are in no way similar." MerriamWebster 's1986 years version of the Intermediate Dictionary is defined as the cowboy, "one who tends cattle or horses, especially a mounted cattle ranch worker." [3] say simply, cowboy is a group of professional flooding the cattle, is

A shepherd type group. In the United States in the period of the west Texas area, there are many pioneers to open up there pasture, herding CaiNiu, domestication and wild horses. At first, they to the local Mexican people learn, but soon formed from the pastoral to clothing, from grazing way to riding all of its own characteristics way of life. These people are called "cowboy". Cowboy's spent most of his life in and dealing with cows, horses; To tame the temperament of the fierce horse and herds must fully grasp MuChu habit, but also learn how adept riding (horsemanship), lasso (lasso/noose) ability. The hard life of long-term, make "cowboy" practice into the strong body and a brave heart and a good riding skills. And because they every day in uninhabited gallop in the wilderness, may at any time to meet all kinds of dangerous and bad weather, so they mostly full of adventure. Cowboy's dress up also very chic: a wide-brimmed hat and boots, skin side high tasseled tight breeches (riding breeches), which embodies a kind of straightforward (straightforward, rough and uninhibited/bold, rough andunconstrained), chivalrous (chivalrous), man (rob therich to give thepoor) and hardy stubborn temperament. Actually, this kind of dress up and not in order to attract people, but in order to adapt to the need of grazing life. 呵呵
第1个回答  2011-12-04
Cowboy introduce cowboy (cowboy), also known as the americans. We for cowboy (west cowboy) understanding, mostly in the United States from western films. In the film, cowboy usually dressed in tights, head along the cap hose, riding a gao tou2 Malaysia, galloping in the western United States under the blue sky white cloud of the vast grasslands. They tall healthy, quiet as a mouse, the heavy letter kept a promise, integrity, courage, their body smell of the legendary hero romantic colour, they are the real law and justice supporter, is a man's best represent the image. But the real life of the cowboy is widely divergent, American historians than lyndon once wrote: "Hollywood film and television screen form elegant cowboy hero, and in the open pasture for cattle the heyday of the care and hard work of the cowboys are in no way similar." MerriamWebster 's1986 years version of the Intermediate Dictionary is defined as the cowboy, "one who tends cattle or horses, especially a mounted cattle ranch worker." [3] say simply, cowboy is a group of professional flooding the cattle, is

A shepherd type group. In the United States in the period of the west Texas area, there are many pioneers to open up there pasture, herding CaiNiu, domestication and wild horses. At first, they to the local Mexican people learn, but soon formed from the pastoral to clothing, from grazing way to riding all of its own characteristics way of life. These people are called "cowboy". Cowboy's spent most of his life in and dealing with cows, horses; To tame the temperament of the fierce horse and herds must fully grasp MuChu habit, but also learn how adept riding (horsemanship), lasso (lasso/noose) ability. The hard life of long-term, make "cowboy" practice into the strong body and a brave heart and a good riding skills. And because they every day in uninhabited gallop in the wilderness, may at any time to meet all kinds of dangerous and bad weather, so they mostly full of adventure. Cowboy's dress up also very chic: a wide-brimmed hat and boots, skin side high tasseled tight breeches (riding breeches), which embodies a kind of straightforward (straightforward, rough and uninhibited/bold, rough andunconstrained), chivalrous (chivalrous), man (rob therich to give thepoor) and hardy stubborn temperament. Actually, this kind of dress up and not in order to attract people, but in order to adapt to the need of grazing life.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-12-04