
4、那个男人把那个狗赶走了。5、这女孩梦想成为一名女演员。6、那个房子花了我很多钱 7、我花了很多潜在那个房子上 8、我在荷兰度过两个礼拜 9、让我们AA制 10、他们彼此帮助 11、这些学生有规律的朗读英语 12、我花了两个礼拜才完成这个工作 13、那男生比我高很多

1.There are eight people in my family.
2.This house belongs to me.
3.There is nothing in the box.
4.That man drove the dog away.
5.The girl dreams to become a actress.
6.That house cost me a lot of money.
7.I spent a lot of money on that house.
8.I spent two weeks in Holland.
9.Let us go Dutch.
10.They help each other.
11.These students read English regularly.
12.I spent two weeks finishing this job.
13.That boy is more taller than me.