
1 坐15路公车去Kim的家
2 就这样,一个快乐的同学聚会结束了。
3 我将要去参加一个同学聚会
4 这是我最好的朋友kim办的聚会

1 坐15路公车去Kim的家

take(took) the N0.15 Bus to Kim's house

2 就这样,一个快乐的同学聚会结束了。

With this,a happy get-together of classmates ended.

3 我将要去参加一个同学聚会

I'll go to attend a get-together of classmates.

4 这是我最好的朋友kim办的聚会

This party is organized by my best friend Kim.
第1个回答  2007-11-10
1 Take a NO.15Bus to kim's home.
2.In this way,a students'hppy gether ended.