关于学习雷锋 每个人都应该向雷锋学习 不要因好事太小而不去做 每个人都能像雷锋一样 我们的世界...

关于学习雷锋 每个人都应该向雷锋学习 不要因好事太小而不去做 每个人都能像雷锋一样 我们的世界将变的更加美好

施工任务中,他整天驾驶汽车东奔西跑,很难抽出时间学习,雷锋就把书装在挎包里,随身带在身边,只要车一停,没有其他工作,就坐在驾驶室里看书.他在日记中写下这样一段话:"有些人说工作忙,没时间学习,我认为问题不在工作忙,而在于你愿不愿意学习,会不会挤时间.要学习的时间是有的,问题是我们善不善于挤,愿不愿意钻.一块好好的木板,上面一个眼也没有,但钉子为什么能钉进去呢?这就是靠压力硬挤进去的.由此看来,钉子有两个长处:一个是挤劲,一个是钻劲.我们在学习上也要提倡这种"钉子"精神, 善于挤和钻.




一天傍晚,天下起大雨,雷锋见公路上一位妇女怀里抱着小孩,手里还拉着小孩,身上还背着包袱,在哗哗的大雨中一步一滑地走着,雷锋忙上前一打听,才知道这位大嫂从外地探亲归来,要去十几里外的樟子沟去,她着急地说:“同志啊,今天雨都把我浇迷糊了,这还有孩子,我哭也哭不到家啊!” 雷锋把雨衣披在大嫂身上,抱起那个大一点的孩子冒雨朝樟子沟走去,宁可自己淋得透湿,一直走了两个多小时,才把她们母子送到家。
第1个回答  2012-03-13
Teacher esteemed and beloved , beloved schoolmates: Everybody be fine! Today I ask the examination questions giving a lecture to be "Lei Feng by me ". Spring breeze in March can't blow the motherland earth green, all things on earth reveal we remember at home cordial one uncle spontaneously when fragrant, Lei Feng. One rich public appeal's words learns from comrade Lei Feng " sounding by our ear. 45 passes away , Lei Feng is such first name as before deeply engrave at our heart. Somebody said Lei Feng has already died, in fact, Lei Feng will never die , he will live in people forever at heart. The ice and snow crisis one not meeting this the beginning of the year, in 50 , the electric power facilities having damaged a lot of area, be we have seen many within these days, let our times feel the kind person's silhouette. The Hai Ning wire making on February 2 , Great Snow to rise 300 meters is met with covering ice's squeezing but is arouses a disconnection. For not allowing the masses to accept bitterness of power failure,administration of power supply has organized 34 name electric power rushing to repair Young Pioneer having entered a mountain. Young Pioneer use chopper to split a road at 9 o'clock in the morning, the circuit being pulling a 510 meters goes ahead. The halfway several Young Pioneer foot is split the stump thorn breaking having bled , may one not flinch, eat on they even not having taken care of food and drinks, having been quenched one's thirst by snow , have used 9 have finally put up up wire , electric current much hour, leading to Ning Hai County power failure country smoothly. 2 months , Ji An City Shi Jiao Qu electric power companies are rich after the beach electrified wire netting is happened by grievous injury , the condition of a disaster , elder Zheng Xiao Jin of rich beach administration of power supply, leads one propping up electric power rushing to repair a team in person , he pounds ice with upper tree waiting for sweated labour to grasp on self. On February 2, Zheng Xiao Jin discovers one wire having been pressed by upper ice and snow of tree , this tree is 10 meters taller than, fall down there being life danger, but his being in the van of one's officers and men right away, the in person upper tree pounds ice , finally making that gleam restore current supply is regular. But he returns to 39 degree discovering self high fever just now many, the doctor suggests his infusion day, he thinks electric power has not returned to normal yet , can afford no consideration to self state of illness thereupon,can't draw an employee entire sparing no effort to go all out , make Ji An City be advanced for three day sending a telegram here , let more than 3,000 resident have used an electricity in eve the Spring Festival , accept bitterness of power failure no longer. The electric power event is middle in past rushing to repair , the guarantor electricity hero returns back to these not stopping, if Qi Dong county electric power bureau head Ai great, the manager of An Yuan county current supply company exercises Yong Ping county, because of the comrade Wu De Shun who rushes to repair glorious sacrifice of circuit's, ... . Rush to repair middle not only in electric power living Lei Feng having such , can't have a fine people and fine deeds a lot of in our campus. Keep the schoolmate who has once , our shift several to live distant in memory because of the road coming has gone up and down a downpour, the shoes has all wet out clothes and trousers , upper lot of shift has given up self cotton-padded clothes cotton-padded trousers shoes to a schoolmate be in the same school in numerous and confused provision have on, the moment warms in the classroom the friendship having warmed every schoolmate's heart , schoolmates up is deeper. Still have once , our walking on the main street , see one child over have fallen , have several adults to go over soon right away, start him having been leant on. A old people needs to cross street , two pupil of wayside leans on an old people having crossed street on self's own initiative. Be to mimic Lei Feng needing to compose up from at one's side minor matter Oh. Who said Lei Feng having already died? This every guarantor electricity hero , the students who this are generous in giving help, they are obviously our model? Are they obviously new generation Lei Feng? In fact, go and composing as long as we are attentive , be therefore likely to there is more living Lei Feng appearing by us. Thank everybody!
第2个回答  2012-03-13



雷锋入伍以来,多次立功受奖,他被选为市人大代表,出席过沈阳军区首届共青团代表会议,他的照片,日记和模范事迹、通过报纸、电台作了广泛的宣传,雷锋陆续收到来自全国各地热情赞扬他的来信,他在日记中写下了这样一段话:“我的一切都是党给的,光荣应该归于党,归于热情帮助我的同志,至于 我个人做的工作,那是太少了,我这么一点点贡献,比起对我的要求和期望还是很不够的……”


第3个回答  2012-03-13
对 我们都要向雷锋学习,它是我们的好榜样 同时 孔子也说过 不以恶小而为之 不以善小而不为,说的也就是这个道理吧!本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2012-03-13