
加州淘金热的消息使年轻的史特劳斯相当入迷,而于1853年搭船航行到旧金山。 他带了数卷营帐及蓬车用的帆布准备卖给迅速增加的居民。但他发现帆布有更好的用途,因为有一名年老长的淘金人表示他应该卖的是能承受挖金粗用的长裤。 于是他把卖不完的帆布送到裁缝匠处订制了第一件Levis牛仔裤。就在那一天,Levis的传奇诞生了。

Speaking of jeans, people will naturally think of the United States that in 1849 gold rush, when the first batch of immigrants set foot on the continental United States, they can be said to be a poverty-stricken, they had to go all out of work. Strong labor vulnerable wear clothes made, in particular in the 1849 miners swarm into California, then formed the famous gold rush.
California Gold Rush to the news quite fascinated the young Strauss, and in 1853 boarded a boat sailing to San Francisco. He brought a few rolls and leaving with a tent, the camp decided to sell to the rapid increase in population. But he found a better use canvas, as an old long prospectors who said he should sell is to be capable of digging the rough with the trousers. So he sold the canvas to tailor Carpenter, the first order of Levis jeans. On that day, Levis legend was born.
Jeans for such a tough 10-10-100. Young Strauss in San Francisco shortly after the first store opened. Many of his production the tight-waist. After he gave up canvas, twill using coarse cotton cloth, it is a French textile to not changing color indigo dye woven into the resilient cotton cloth.
Strauss from 1860 to 1940 during the original design of a number of improvements, including rivets, double-arched guarantee Paper Bag flags after superscript and subscript, and now these are world-renowned authentic Levis jeans signs.
第1个回答  2007-10-14
me too