


In ancient times, there was a demon called “evil spirit。” He loved to touch the heads of children on Chinese New Year’s Eve。Children touched by him were scared to cry; then they developed a headache, followed by a fever, and eventually turned into a fool。

古时候,有一个小妖叫“祟”。 他喜欢在除夕晚上用手摸孩子的头。  被他摸过的孩子就会大哭,头疼发热,最后变成了傻子。



第1个回答  2012-02-08
On New Year's money, a widely circulated story. In ancient times, a demon called the "evil spirit", New Year's Eve night out hand to touch the sleeping child's head, the children are often scared to cry, followed by headache, fever, and to become a fool. Therefore, every family in this day lights sit sleep, called "keep haunting.
There are a couple of elderly have regarded as the pride and joy. New Year's Eve night, they were afraid of the "evil spirit" to harm the child, came up with eight coins to play with the kids. Children to play tired, fell asleep, they put eight coins wrapped in red paper on the child's pillow below, the couple did not dare close my eyes. The middle of the night a burst of Yin wind opened the door, blew out the lights, the haunting "just reach out to touch the child's head, the pillow burst on the side lines flash scared the" evil spirit "and ran away. The next day, the couple scare off "evil spirit" of the eight coins wrapped in red paper to tell everyone that we will learn to do, the child would have peace.
The original eight coins become the Eight Immortals, the secret to protect the child. Because the "evil spirit" and "Year of the homonym, then gradually evolved into the" lucky money ". To the Ming and Qing Dynasties, "wearing money to Cai Sheng compiled for the shape of a dragon, that the lucky money. Elders to give children who, too, said lucky money". So in some places to give children lucky money called a "string of money." The modern evolution of the text of 100 coins wrapped in red paper to give the younger generation, which means "longevity". Younger adult red paper bag and then put a silver dollar, which means "lucrative". Currency replaced by paper money, the elders prefer to go to the bank to exchange connected to the nominal number of new banknotes to the child wishes to children again and again soaring.

"Lucky money" come from? There are two legends. One said, stems from Ancient Yajing ". That is the Swire there is a fierce beast called "the night of the compartment 365 in the future, we must come out to hurt people and animals, crops. The children fear, adults while burning bamboo sound drive ", to use food to comfort children, is" Yajing ". Long years on, there will be evolved for money on behalf of food, Song Dynasty "Yajing money". According to historical records, south terrace, Shao child, due to the bad guys back away, exclaimed in his way, been Huang cars save, Ancestor, that is, thanks to his "Yajing gold rhinoceros money. Only after the development of the "lucky money".

Two said that it first appeared in the Tang Dynasty palace, palaces scattered the money of the wind. Wang Renyu in Kaiyuan Tempo Memorabilia cloud: Kaiyuan, "the inner court concubines, each in the spring when, all ban together three to five people in throwing money for the theater." Wang set out in the Palace of the word ": places makeup residue powder tomorrow, the total Li Zhaoyang blooms side spring my wife long to play white, the library first sporadic and money. "spring" throw money for the play ", to" break up and money, and later development to gift the children wash money. " According to Sima Guang "Mirror", said Yang Yuhuan children, "the reign of pro-as, hi gift concubine to wash the children money to Hershey evil. Song and Yuan, they formed a kind of folk. Combination with the Spring Festival in the first month started, the formation of the early "lucky money". But still no money in circulation, but only a special "lucky money".

During the Spring Festival, the elders give the younger generation who 's money, but use of some of the number of new bank notes, with a strong festive colors, customs what the reason, why should the number of new bank notes, I am afraid very few people know.
Lucky money a long time, called as "vestiges of money," and "wins money pressure, pressure Chong money", "charge-year-old money" in the coin series, it is classified as spend money on classes as early as the Han Dynasty in China had s money, in the majority of the round hole and round the square hole, the front and more money for good luck text, such as calamity Chuxiong, "Fukuyama Shou sea", "long life and prosperity", "physical fitness", but also some front money to the text, on the back of the auspicious patterns, such as "Big Dipper", "Tortoise and Snake" and "Zodiac" decoration of the Tang Dynasty, the palace and the prevalence of the Spring Festival loose money, when it was Chinese New Year on this day as the beginning of spring, intrauterine each other to worship in the civil New Year customs, the Song and Yuan dynasties, the Spring Festival has been scheduled for the first day, Chinese New Year custom of loose money on the evolution of the custom of New Year's money by the elders to the younger generation. <Yanjing age of mind · New Year's money reads: "to Cai Sheng threading, compiled for the shape of a dragon, placed on the foot of the bed is called lucky money. elders who give children by money, too, said the lucky money." Ming and Qing Dynasties, the elderly with red string concatenation with lucky money to send and juniors. Republic of China, hole circle money side basic canceled, elders text of 100 coins wrapped in red paper as lucky money, the apartment for longevity, elderly people like to use even the number of new paper currency changed banknotes banknote given to younger people, "again and again good luck, and again and again soaring," meaning, to send such a number of money to the younger generation of custom continues to this day can be said that the custom of New Year's money goes back to ancient times, the good wishes of the elders of the younger.

Have children to the Qing Dynasty, Qing-year-old, elderly people and money, consistent with a red set of lying, saying "lucky money". To the Republic, was popular 100 copper wrapped in red paper, to show the "longevity", the founding after the notes, to show the blessings.
第2个回答  2020-02-07

An ancient legend "theory", black body from the siren, he nian night out, special touch the sleeping child's forehead. The child was touched after high fever, will say talk in a dream, fever becomes a madman dementia. 

The theory of harm on New Year's eve child, often don't sleep all night lights, this is also called "theory".

A household name, couples of elderly too, very cherish. In the evening, in order to prevent their 30 to harass, the old couple don't sleep, always poking their children play with red paper, several MEDALS, the ratios, the packet. 

But as the night was deep and the child, first fell asleep. The old couple took several missiles cloaked in his bed ratios. 

The old couple years, not too big, a look is four more days, should not to damage the theory of their children! 

But they just a ghostly wind blowing, sleep, black short siren went into the house to use in his hand HaiZiTou, when suddenly a golden pillow, a child screaming fled their.

Soon, it will spread apart, we follow in the annual Chinese New Year's eve at night, with red paper money for children, the theory can't again come intrusion. 

Thus the money that "money", "their" theory "and" the same pronunciation, as time went by, he was called "lucky money".

第3个回答  2020-02-06

There is a family with a surname in Jiaxing mansion. The husband and wife are regarded as the jewels of their eyes because they have children when they are old. On the eve of the new year's Eve, they were afraid of harming their children, so they played with them. The child wrapped eight copper coins in red paper, unpacked them, unpacked them again, and played until he fell asleep. 

The eight copper coins he wrapped were put beside the pillow. The couple dare not close their eyes and stay close to their children all night. In the middle of the night, a huge wind opened the door and blew out the lights. When the black dwarf touched the child's head with his white hand, a bright light broke out on the child's pillow, and he hurriedly 

withdrew his hand and screamed and ran away. Guan and his wife told everyone about the scare of wrapping eight copper coins in red paper. Everyone also learned to pack eight copper coins with red paper and give them to the children to put on the pillow after dinner. As expected, they would never dare to harm the children again. 

It turns out that the eight copper coins were changed from the eight immortals to help the children scare them away in secret. Therefore, people call this money "pressing money". Because of the homophony of "Sui" and "Sui", it is called "lucky money" with the passage of time

第4个回答  2012-02-08
once, there was a legend about a monster which appears at new year festival. in order to scared it away people played fireworks and got everthing in red. red is also a symbol of luck. lucky money was something envolved to that.