
香港迪士尼08年底圣诞花车巡游放的歌是什么,在哪下? 英文的就记得里面一个女的唱“any snow any snow any snow.....”很好听谁知道不?

没有得下,其实它不是一首歌,是用很多首著名的圣诞歌曲剪接成的,还有是let it snow,let it snow,let it snow,不是any snow
第1个回答  2009-03-20
Tonight as I lay on a boxcar just waiting for a train to pass by
What will become of the hobo whenever his time comes to die
Has the Master up yonder in heaven got a place that we might call our home
Will we have to work for a living or must we continue to roam
Will there be any freight trains in heaven any boxcars in which we might hide
Will there be any tough cops and brakemen will they tell us that we cannot ride
Will the hobo chum with the rich man will we always have money to spare
Will they hand respect for a hobo in that land that lies hidden up there
[ fiddle - ac.guitar ]
Will there be any freight trains...

