

  自由球在斯诺克里面称为FREE BALL,最容易出现的情况就是,当给对手做出斯诺克的时候,对手解球没有解到并且不能打到任意一颗红球的两侧,这个时候就是自由球。


第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-14
Free Ball
A free ball is a ball which the striker nominates as the ball on when snookered after a foul

After a foul, if the cue-ball is snookered, the referee shall state FREE BALL
(a) If the player next in turn elects to play the next stroke,
(i) he may nominate any ball as the ball on, and
(ii) any nominated ball shall be regarded as, and acquire the value of, the ball on except that, if potted, is shall then be spotted.
(b) It is a foul if the cue-ball should
(i) fail to hit the nominated ball first, or first simultaneously with the ball on, or
(ii) be snookered on all Reds, or the ball on, by the free ball thus nominated, except when the Pink and Black are the only object balls remaining on the table.
(c) If the free ball is potted, it is spotted and the value of the ball on is scored.
(d) If a ball on is potted, after the cue-ball struck the nominated ball first, or simultaneously with a ball on, the ball on is scored and remains off the table.
(e) If both the nominated ball and a ball on are potted, only the ball on is scored unless it was a Red, when each ball potted is scored. The free ball is then spotted and the ball on remains off the table.
(f) If the offender is asked to play again, the free ball call becomes void.

(1) 如下轮次的运动员选择的是下一击球,则:
a) 他可以指定任意球作为活球。
b) 任何被指定的球,应被当作活球来对待,并获得该活球的分值。只有当它被击落袋后,才被放回置球点。
(2) 主球在以下情况即为犯规:
a) 没有首先击到被指定的球,或首先同时击中被指定的球与活球;
b) 用被指定的自由球给所有红球或活球造成障碍,但当台面上只剩粉球、黑球时除外。
(3) 如果自由球被击落,需将其取出放回置球点,其所获活球的分值应记入记录。
(4) 如在主球首先击中被指定的球后,或首先同时击中被指定的球与活球后,活球被撞入袋内,则记录该活球的分值,活球不予取出。
(5) 若指定的球与活球同时进袋,则只记录活球的分值,除非被指定的是一红球,则当每个球被击进袋时,应记录其分值。然后自由球被放回置球点,而活球则不予取出。
(6) 如果对方要求犯规方继续击球,则宣布的自由球变为无效。

第2个回答  2009-04-29


第3个回答  2009-04-30