

Sex Discrimination in Job Hunting
It is illegal to discriminate against an individual based on their gender during the employment process. This protection extends to all aspects of employment, including hiring, selection, work conditions, and termination.
Sex discrimination arises when someone is treated unfairly due to their gender, resulting in a disadvantage for that person. Such discrimination may occur if employers or managers harbor assumptions about the types of work women and men are capable of or not capable of performing.
Examples of sex discrimination include:
1. Not hiring a woman because the employer believes she will not fit into a traditionally "male" work environment.
2. Providing women and men with different pay rates or employment benefits.
3. Refusing to promote a woman to a higher position because it is perceived as a "blokey" culture, and employees might not respect a female supervisor.
4. Assigning work tasks based on gender, such as Barbara, who applies for a bus driver position and is doubted by the employer regarding her ability to "keep up with the pace," and is subsequently offered a lower wage than her male counterparts until she "proves herself."
These instances illustrate the ongoing issue of sex discrimination in the job market, which is crucial to address for a fair and equal employment landscape.