

KET 口语测试内容 1. Greetings and introductions 2. Teacher: Good morning. I’m…Now, what’s your name? 3. Student: ___________________________________________ 4. Teacher: How do you spell that? 5. Student: ___________________________________________ 6. Teacher: And what’s your surname(姓氏)? How do you spell that? 7. Student: ___________________________________________ 2. Giving information about place of origin, occupation and studies. 8. Teacher: Where do you come from? 9. Student: ___________________________________________ 10. Teacher: When do you go to school? 11. Student: ___________________________________________ 12. Teacher: What subjects do you study? 13. Student: ___________________________________________ 14. Teacher: What subject do you like best? Why? 15. Student: ___________________________________________ 3. Other personal information. 16. Teacher: Did you go on holiday last year? 17. Student: ___________________________________________ 18. Teacher: Where did you go? And how did you go there? 19. Student: ___________________________________________ 20. Teacher: How long did it take? And what do you think of it? 21. Student: ___________________________________________ 22. Teacher: Have you been to any other countries? 23. Student: ___________________________________________ 24. Teacher: Where are you going for vacation this summer? 25. Student: ___________________________________________ 4. Extended response (hobbies). Teacher: Do you have any hobbies? Student: ___________________________________________ Teacher: Why do you like it/ them? Student: ___________________________________________ Teacher: How often do you exercise/ go to a movie? Student: ___________________________________________ Teacher: How well do you do it?/ How good are you at it? Student: ___________________________________________ 例题 Example: (Tr -- teacher; S-- student)
第1个回答  2012-05-24
Hello ,my name is xxx.And my surname is x,givenname isxx.I am from xxxxschool,class x,grade nine.I likexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,because is xxxxx.I donnot like xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,because is xxxxxxx.大概就是这样
第2个回答  2008-11-21
KET考试考查考生的阅读、写作、听力和会话能力:其中阅读与写作部分占总分的50%, 听力、口试各占25%。本回答被网友采纳