

PS:歌名叫Punk Rock Samourai,看清楚了,不要乱给,像这个答案http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/63813282.html?si=1就不要贴过来了,找到了能给多少分给多少分





(女)有个简单的问题  什么是爱情

它是否是一种味道 还是引力

(男)从我初恋那天起 先是甜蜜  

然后紧接就会有 风雨

(合)爱就像 蓝天白云

晴空万里 突然暴风雨

无处躲避 总是让人 始料不及

人就像 患重感冒

打着喷嚏 发烧要休息

冷热交替 欢喜犹豫 乐此不疲

(女)叫人头晕的问题  什么叫爱情

它是那么的真实 又很可疑

(男)研究过许多誓言 海枯石烂

发觉越想要解释 越乱

(女)所以说 永远多长

永远短暂 永远很遗憾

每个人有 每个人不同的体验

(合)那滋味 时而在飞

时而下坠 时而又落泪

动人电影 自己体会 别嫌票太贵

(男)比如美酒和咖啡 都是水

(女) 可一个让你醒 一个让你醉

(合) 那么感情能否以此类推

有的很平淡 有的撕心裂肺

所以说 永远多长

永远短暂 永远很缓慢

每个人有 每个人不同的计算

神秘的 诺言誓言

甚至谎言 自己去领悟

也许多年 也许瞬间

你自有答案  所以说 永远多长

永远短暂 永远很缓慢

每个人有 每个人不同的计算

神秘的 诺言誓言

甚至谎言 自己去领悟

也许多年 也许瞬间




2015年3月30日,该曲获得东方风云榜最佳对唱奖  。


《答案》是为2014年中央电视台春节联欢晚会创作的歌曲,该年春晚总导演冯小刚找到梁芒和杨坤,希望他们能为春晚创作出一首歌曲 。

杨坤首先完成了曲的创作,他在写歌的时候就下定决心找一个甜美可爱的女孩和他一起合唱。后来,杨坤在电视上看见了郭采洁,被她的气质所吸引,并且觉得她的声线很符合这首歌曲的感觉,便邀请郭采洁合唱该曲 。




正如歌词所言“每个人有每个人不同的计算”。男女对唱的歌曲不胜枚举,然而杨坤和郭采洁的这一对组合则显得更加抢眼。将帅大叔和美萝莉mix会有奇妙的化学反应。杨坤标志性的沧桑嗓音与郭采洁甜美的歌喉相得益彰  。(出自腾讯网)

第1个回答  2008-10-02


Poxy - Punk Rock Samurai

Oh baby, I am a secret, I am a knight of the Blues
And then my Artist Martial playing like Kung Fu

Yes I know, what you don’t,
Yes I knoooowww, what you don’t
I’m a Punk Rock Samurai
Yeah, I’m a Punk Rock Samurai

Yeah, I don’t even care if I die doing what I do
And yeah, I feel lucky in a light kit in my shoe
I try to hush my heart that roars like hell!!
I got my sword in you, and now use it well

Yes I know, what you don’t,
Yes I knoooowww, what you don’t
Cause I’m a Punk Rock Samurai
Yes, I’m a Punk Rock Samurai

To the heaven, cheer with me, Baby
To the heaven, cheer with me, Baby
To the heaven, cheer with me, Baby

Yes, I’m a Punk Rock Samurai
Yeah, I’m a Punk Rock Samurai本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-10-02
Maybe when the room is empty,
Maybe when this bottle's full,
Maybe when the door gets broke down love can break in,
Maybe when I'm done with thinking,
Maybe you can think me whole,
Maybe when I'm done with endings this can begin,
This can begin,
This can begin.
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something.
Maybe when your hair gets darker,
Maybe when your eyes get wide,
Maybe when the walls are smaller there will be more space,
Maybe when I'm not so tired,
Maybe you can step inside,
Maybe when I look for things that I can't replace,
I can't replace,
I can't replace.
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something.
If I could be your first real heartache,
I would do it all over again,
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I will be your Heroin.
I never thought you'd last,
I never dreamed you would,
You watchd your life go past,
you wonder if you should...
If you should be my Punk Rock Princess,
So I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something,
If I could be your first real heartache,
I would do it over again,
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Heroin.
Whoa Ohhhh, you know, you only burn my bridges,
Whoa Ohhhh, you know, you just can't let it sink in,
You could be my Heroin,
You could be my Heaven
第3个回答  2008-10-02
Maybe when the room is empty,
Maybe when this bottle's full,
Maybe when the door gets broke down love can break in,
Maybe when I'm done with thinking,
Maybe you can think me whole,
Maybe when I'm done with endings this can begin,
This can begin,
This can begin.
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something.
Maybe when your hair gets darker,
Maybe when your eyes get wide,
Maybe when the walls are smaller there will be more space,
Maybe when I'm not so tired,
Maybe you can step inside,
Maybe when I look for things that I can't replace,
I can't replace,
I can't replace.
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something.
If I could be your first real heartache,
I would do it all over again,
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I will be your Heroin.
I never thought you'd last,
I never dreamed you would,
You watchd your life go past,
you wonder if you should...
If you should be my Punk Rock Princess,
So I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something,
If I could be your first real heartache,
I would do it over again,
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Heroin.
Whoa Ohhhh, you know, you only burn my bridges,
Whoa Ohhhh, you know, you just can't let it sink in,
You could be my Heroin,
You could be my Heaven
第4个回答  2008-10-02
Maybe when the room is empty,
Maybe when this bottle's full,
Maybe when the door gets broke down love can break in,
Maybe when I'm done with thinking,
Maybe you can think me whole,
Maybe when I'm done with endings this can begin,
This can begin,
This can begin.
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something.
Maybe when your hair gets darker,
Maybe when your eyes get wide,
Maybe when the walls are smaller there will be more space,
Maybe when I'm not so tired,
Maybe you can step inside,
Maybe when I look for things that I can't replace,
I can't replace,
I can't replace.
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something.
If I could be your first real heartache,
I would do it all over again,
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I will be your Heroin.
I never thought you'd last,
I never dreamed you would,
You watchd your life go past,
you wonder if you should...
If you should be my Punk Rock Princess,
So I would be your Garage Band King,
You could tell me why you just don't fit in,
And how your gonna be something,
If I could be your first real heartache,
I would do it over again,
If you could be my Punk Rock Princess,
I would be your Heroin.
Whoa Ohhhh, you know, you only burn my bridges,
Whoa Ohhhh, you know, you just can't let it sink in,
You could be my Heroin,
You could be my Heaven