
The ethical defence of animal research
Humans have a moral obligation to humans first (a rather ‘speciesist’ assumption!)and the alternatives to animal research are either ethically undersirable(i.e.testing humans) or practically undesirableusing less reliable methods such as non experimental observations or computer simulations).
Anti-vivisectionists have been accused of only drawing attention to a minority of the most vivid cases of animal suffering in psychology(although many would argue that such a minority of cases is still ethically unjustfiable).
There are now many safeguards in place to prevent the unnecessary use of animal research in psychology.
Ethical guidelines for the use of animals in psychological research
The experimental psychology society(1986)has issued guidelines to control animal expermentation based on the legislation of the ‘animals(scientific procedures)act’(1986),by stressing that all researchers should:
Avoid or minimise stress and suffering for all living animals,and always consider the possibility of other options to animal research.
Acquire a home office licence to conduct animal research(which can only be obtained if the research aims are approved and certain conditions are met,such as suitable knowledge of the species and its living conditions,limits on the maximum level of electric shock allowed,ect.).
Be as economical as possible in the numbers of animals tested.
Bateson(1986)has specified some of the factors involved in deciding on the viability of animal research.often the decision will involve a trade off between
A the certainty of benefit from the research.
B the quality of the research.
C the amount of suffering involved for the animals.
Home offices licences are most likey to be awarded if factors’a’and’b’are high,and factor’c’is low.

人类在道义上有义务对人类第一次(一个相当' speciesist '的假设! )和替代动物研究不是道德undersirable ( ietesting人)或实际undesirableusing不太可靠的方法,如非实验意见或计算机模拟) 。
反vivisectionists被指控犯有只注意少数最生动的案例在动物的痛苦心理(尽管许多人认为,这种少数人的案件仍然是道德unjustfiable ) 。
实验心理学社会( 1986年)已发出指引,控制动物expermentation基础上的立法,动物(科学程序)的行为' ( 1986年) ,强调指出,所有研究人员应:
获得牌照的家庭办公室进行动物研究(这只能得到,如果研究的目的是通过和某些条件得到满足,如合适的知识的种类和生活条件,限制最高水平触电允许,等。 ) 。
贝特森( 1986年)指定的一些因素参与决定的可行性动物research.often决定将涉及贸易之间
首页办事处牌照是最likey被授予如果factors'a'and'b'are高, factor'c'is低。
第1个回答  2016-08-29
许多可变物心理学家感兴趣是抽象概念例如侵略或智力。 运作提到使可变物的过程完全可测量或可测试性。 这在心理学方面完成由记录假设是表示的可变物在研究中可测的行为的某一方面。 例如: 侵略心理学家也许记录挥的拳的数量。 智力心理学家也许记录在1小时内解决的难题的数量,或者计算在智商测试的比分。
Reification (关于象智力的假定可变物作为有真正的物理存在)然而是危险。本回答被网友采纳