

Foreigners often find certain Chinese delicacies unfamiliar and sometimes challenging to accept. Here is a list of such dishes:
1. Century Eggs (皮蛋)
Century eggs are an acquired taste for many foreigners. With an odor that can be overpowering and a texture that may seem unusual, they are often considered one of the strangest foods in the world. However, for those who appreciate Chinese cuisine, century eggs can be a delightful treat.
2. Chicken Feet (鸡爪)
Chicken feet are a traditional Chinese snack, but their texture and flavor can be off-putting to some foreigners, leading to a cultural divide in taste. While they may not be popular among Western palates, they remain a beloved delicacy in China.
Beijing's traditional豆汁, with its sour and earthy taste, is an acquired taste that not all foreigners can appreciate. The unique flavor profile can be unsettling to those not accustomed to it, but it is deeply cherished by locals.
4. Stinky Tofu (臭豆腐)
Stinky tofu, known for its pungent aroma, is a Chinese street food that often repels foreigners. The strong odor can be off-putting, and the taste may be too assertive for those not used to it.
5. Pork Intestines (猪大肠)
Pork intestines, or "fat intestines," as they are sometimes called, are a type of offal that many foreigners find challenging. The distinct taste and texture can be difficult for them to accept, making it a less common choice on their menus.