you're on your own,kid歌词


《You're On Your Own, Kid》歌词如下:
(Verse 1)
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans
So don't be fooled by the familiarity of your own hands
You've got to learn to stand up for yourself
'Cause I can't always be around
You're on your own, kid
You're on your own, and you know that you are
You're on your own, kid
So take a look at where you are
(Verse 2)
The world is full of people who will tell you what to do
But the only voice that matters in the end is the one inside of you
So don't be afraid to trust your instincts
'Cause they won't lead you astray
You're on your own, kid
You're on your own, and you know that you are
You're on your own, kid
So take a look at where you are
And when the road gets tough and the nights get long
Remember that the journey is the reward, so carry on
And don't be afraid to take a chance or two
'Cause that's how you'll find out who you are
You're on your own, kid
You're on your own, and you know that you are
You're on your own, kid
So take a look at where you are
You're on your own, kid
But you're never really alone。
总的来说,《You're On Your Own, Kid》这首歌通过强调个人独立、自我反思和乐观坚韧等价值观,鼓励听众在面对生活的挑战时保持坚强和自信。这些价值观不仅对于个人的成长和发展至关重要,也有助于塑造一个更加积极、自主和有韧性的社会。