英语作文带翻译 我和以前有什么不同.大概内容是以前的我是短头发,现在是长头发,以前我是矮小,现在我已...

英语作文带翻译 我和以前有什么不同.大概内容是以前的我是短头发,现在是长头发,以前我是矮小,现在我已长大了不少了,过去我是活泼可爱的,现在我开朗成熟,能考虑未来的生活(急需) 

It seems I am different from the one I was.
In the past, I had short hair, but I have long hair now.
I used to be short before while I have been grown up a lot.
Instead of being lovely and outgoing, I have became much more mature, and this personality trait helps me consider and plan more for the future life.
第1个回答  2012-10-09
How different I am now from before?
Well, I used to be pretty short, but I have grown quite a bit in height.
My hair grew as well: it used to be short, but I have long hair now.
I was more lively and adorable in the past, but I have riped as time progressed. Now I am outgoing and mature, fully confident to plan my life ahead of me.
So I guess there is quite a bit of change in me, but I'm nonetheless happy that those changes took place.
第2个回答  2012-10-09
What different do I have with the past?
I had short hair before, while long hair now.
I was small in figure before, but grown up now.
I used to be outgoing and lovely and now I'm positive , mature as well as concerning about my future!
第3个回答  2012-10-07
I have different. About content is in the past I have short hair, it is long hair, I used to is small, now I have grown a lot, I used is lively and lovely, now I cheerful mature, can look to the future life