


I was short and slim three years ago. Now I'm tall and strong. I was not allowed to go outside to meet people before. Now I can go to my friends' party by myself. I'm more dependant now.


四月的暖风里,暗涌的是 *** 与活力,喷薄的是青春无与伦比的张狂!
持着好不容易借来的相机,我也融入了那群飞奔场场上、用镜头记录汗水的队伍中,拍天、拍地、拍人、拍物、拍老、拍少,“摄像机是记者的眼”,张开眼,我仿佛一下子就看到了希望与 *** 。
奔波一天半,浑身的酸痛身知道,自豪与踏实感唯有心知道。再回首,却发现记忆中储存的满是同事们一丝不苟、辛勤付出,那种由拼搏而融合的思潮,那种由合作而衍生的共同的心跳节拍,让我深深体味出合作的 *** 。
有受挫的失意,也有成功的喜悦;有奔波的辛劳,也有回报的欣慰;有碌碌无为,也有忙忙碌碌;有过羞涩和胆怯,更有被自豪涌入心田的 *** !




, former students eat teacher. Now is the teacher had the students. Previously while the teacher is poor. But the students love the mainstream is sincere. Then there is a word: 1st division, lifelong for father. Before school. Total family difficult students. Will get the help of teacher material. Students with learning difficulties. Also will get the teacher free tutoring. Now? Now the teacher will only have dinner to students, aept parents treat and gifts. Or in the school engaged in cram school, let the students to pay to go to the lecture.
Second, before the students are afraid of the teacher. Now is the fear of the students the teacher. Before the teacher's authority, the overall better than now. This and now part of the teacher undisciplined relationship. Let people underestimate the importance of the. Some teachers like to second generation of students in class of the "rich second generation" or officer more than grades students. In the University. Also popular teacher to students in the unspoken rules of T is the.
Of course. At any time, there are good teachers and good teacher. I do not deny that now there is a good teacher. Just in general. The relationship beeen teachers and students now, than before, and the *** ell of money much. Sincere taste less. It also and the social environment is a certain relationship of.
When all the money thought popular in the munity, the quiet campus is inevitably affected.


It has been rainning for o weeks. Even some people who like rainning bee irratable. I hate rainning not only because the sky is dark,but sadness es out from my heart. It's easier to get into sentimental emotion. Conversely, sunshine always bring us happy feeling,and you will spontaneously *** ile.

请以 home rules 为题写一篇短文 不少于五句话.谢!

If I ask you whether you have home rules or not ,what will you say? There are many kinds of rules in my home. For example , I can't watch television or play puter games unless I finish my homework. How about the rules in your home? Otherwise,Whatever what kind of rules do your family have. I think they are usually good for you. I love my home. Love my home rules!


I like to watch "the Voice of China",It is very attractive for me
because many boys and girls who sing very good in the stage.And
different kinds of old songs are sang in a new style by these new
faces.Also,I like the four teachers,they are all famous singers,I can
learn much from them by watching "the Voice of China".


我似乎更喜欢两楼中间的大花园.我迈著轻快地步伐走进鸟语花香的花园,一阵桂花 香扑鼻而来,桂花树的枝头长满了黄灿灿的桂花,象满天璀璨的星星.园栏周围长满了石榴树,好像在欢迎来学知识的学子们,茂密的树林里,有许多不知名的小花,因为秋天到,有的花叶和树叶开始变色,树林里不时传来鸟鸣声.噢,花园中间还有一座假山立在池塘中央,好像一仙女在沐浴.


My favorite food is sandwhich, chicken and milk. I eat sandwich as breakfast every day. My mom makes sandwich with chicken. I also drink milk as my breakfast. I think it is healthy. For dinner, I sometimes eat chicken.


Hello! I'm Lily. I study in Hongda School. It is in Zhejiang. It is divided into primary school, middle school and high school. So, it is very big. And it is beautiful, too. Here there are many teaching building and many dormitory building. We often learn in the teaching building. And there are many trees, flowers and grass. Look, this is the playground. We often run in it. I love my school.
