

雷锋精神Lei Feng Spirit

The connotation of Lei Feng's spirit: the lofty ideals and firm beliefs of loving the Party, the motherland, and socialism; Selfless dedication to serving the people and helping others; The professionalism of loving one's profession, being dedicated and refined in one's profession; The innovative spirit of forge ahead and continuous self-improvement; An entrepreneurial spirit of hard work, thrift, and thrift.


The spirit of Lei Feng is a revolutionary spirit named after Lei Feng, with its basic connotation as Lei Feng's spirit, and constantly enriched and developed in practice. Its essence and core are to serve the people wholeheartedly and selflessly contribute to the cause of the people. It has become a synonym for spiritual civilization and a symbol of advanced culture in our era.雷锋精神,是以雷锋的名字命名的、以雷锋的精神为基本内涵的、在实践中不断丰富和发展着的革命精神,其实质和核心是全心全意为人民服务,为了人民的事业无私奉献。它已经成为我们这个时代精神文明的同义语、先进文化的表征。
