
我需要一篇以health and happness为题目的英语演讲稿,大约演讲时间为两分钟,希望各位高手可以帮我写一篇,一定要原创的,真的急用,想不出怎么写了,如果稿子好,我给200分再追加都无所谓,速度啊

Health and Happiness

Don’t just do something, sit there! Resist the urge to bustle and putz. Give yourself frequent chances to actually hear yourself think, and to enjoy your surroundings.

Walk, don’t run. A mile of walking burns about as many calories as a mile of jogging, and slowing down your pace will soothe your psyche.

Prevention is the cheapest and best health insurance. Get an annual checkup (even frugal fanatics agree this is worth the $$). Take care of your body by eating and sleeping right, and stop smoking.

Stop equating the amount of fun and pleasure you get with the amount of money you spend to get it. Sit down and make a list of 25 things you like to do that cost little or no money, and keep it where you can see it every day.

Understand and practice the economy of laziness. Give in when you’re tempted to NOT put up Christmas lights, NOT cook like Martha Stewart, NOT keep your car clean and polished, NOT have a weed- and bug-free lawn.

The next time you find yourself drawn to the mall to shop for more stuff, call or write a friend you’ve lost touch with instead. You’ll conserve money and friendships.

Instead of spending your time and energy buying and taking care of stuff, volunteer to feed the hungry, care for the suffering, visit the lonely or mentor a child.

Be happy with what you have. If you make a habit of thinking in terms of what you have, rather than what you don’t, you may well find that you’ve got enough.


第1个回答  2007-12-04
Everyone wants to be happy. But people have different ideas about what mak

es life happy. Some people think that money may make them happy. Some believe th

at good health means happiness. And some think that only success in their career


please them. It seems to me that the following factors may bring us happiness.�

First, diligence can bring happiness to those who yearn for success in the

ir work, as the proverb goes, “Diligence is the mother of success.” Industriou


people value time, treasure life, plant the seeds of success, and harvest happin

ess. Idle people, on the other hand, kill time, waste life, plant the seeds of f

ailure, and harvest sadness.�

Second, perseverance contributes to happiness, for if you want to succeed

in doing anything great, you must have perseverance in face of repeated failures

as the proverb goes, “Perseverance is vital to success.”�

Third, honesty can greatly affect the way a person learns, works and looks

at life. Honest people treat their work and others honestly, and their reward i

s the peace of mind and happiness.�

Finally, good health means happiness because it can secure a smooth life a

nd provide full energy for people to devote themselves to their study and work.

In this way people can achieve success and happiness.�

The above principles may guarantee happiness if you stick to them.


As the proverb says, “No one knows the value of health until he loses it.” In


her words, nothing is more valuable than health. It is clear that health is the

foundation of one’s future success. If you become sick, it is nearly impossible

for you to pursue your career effectively, much less to make your dreams come tr

ue. On the other hand, if you are healthy and strong, you can go all out to over

come the obstacles that lie ahead of you.�

Now that we know that health is the resource of our energy, what should we do to

maintain and enhance our health? First, we should exercise every day to strengt

hen our muscles. There are many forms of physical exercise for us to choose, suc

h as jogging, playing basketball, swimming and so on. Second, we might as well k


ep good hours. If we get up early, we can breathe fresh air and see the sunrise.

This habit can do wonders for our outlook on life. Third, there is a proverb th

at says, “Prevention is better than cure.” If you pay close attention to your


alth, you can avoid getting sick, or at least cure yourself of a disease while i

t is still in its incipient stage.�

In conclusion, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but lose

their health are no more fortunate than those who are poor. If you want your wi

sh to come true, health is the most important ingredient of your success.�


There's an old saying that laughter is the best medicine. No matter whether it's triggered by a good joke, a cute child or pet, or a pie in the face of a comedian, the simple act of laughing offers therapeutic benefits. Laughter has been shown to reduce stress and help people lose weight. It's a special tonic for older people, who are prone to loneliness and sad thoughts.

In fact, in more than 1,000 American communities, and a couple thousand more around the world, entire clubs have been formed so that people can get together and yuk it up! U.S. clubs have names like "Laugh-a-holics," "the Ha-Ha Spa," "Granite State Giggles," and "Judy's Joyful Laughter Club."

The idea started in India, where laughing is an oral yoga exercise using discipline, mind power and a good belly laugh.

Laughter is certainly contagious. Only a determined grouch could avoid at least smiling when others around him are laughing till it hurts. That's why members of laughing clubs don't just get together to howl with laughter themselves. They meet on street corners, in train stations, and other public places, laugh their fool heads off, and invite everyone around them to join in.

Laughing clubs have become so popular that one can even get training as a "certified laughing leader." And the key qualification? You have to be really good at these, chortling, chuckling, howling, snickering, cackling, tittering, giggling and sniggling.

