新概念第三册(新版) if you can do this test go on to unit 1 和2的答案给我发一下好么 多谢 邮箱见问题补

Key to Pre-unit Test 1

Key structures
A Word order
1 My hotel room overlooked a courtyard in which there was a
fountain and several trees.
2 Though Uncle Charles looked everywhere for his glasses, he
could not find them.
3 During Christmas, there was so much extra work at the post
office that a great number of students were employed to help.
4 I don't want to see that film because it had poor reviews.
5 Now that wages have gone up, prices will rise and the cost
of living will be higher than ever.
6 Although the police searched everywhere, neither the
missing boy nor his dog could be found.
7 James Sullivan, whose book on the Antarctic was published
recently, will give a lecture at the local library next week.
8 In spite of the fact that fares have increased, the railway
company is still losing money because the employees have demanded
higher wages.
9 He gave me such a fright that I knocked the teapot over.
10 The climbers not only reached the top of the mountain but
they spent the night there as well.
B Composition
We watched the circus act. A man was walking on a tightrope,
and then he rode a one-wheel bicycle across, carrying two others
on his shoulders. When he got to the other side, the crowd clapped
his performance.
He returned to give a repeat performance and rode out onto the
tightrope again. He looked very confident, as he had done the first
time, but he was doing a hand-stand on the one-wheel bicycle
when he lost his balance. The crowd gasped as he grabbed the
tightrope. He seemed to hang there for ever, holding on to the
bicycle. Then slowly he managed to climb on again and ride to the
other side. There was a silence that you could almost hear (if you
know what I mean)before the audience burst out clapping and
cheering. (140 words)
C Verbs
a died, has just had, were, have been trying, died, was,
lasted, proved, removed, sent, found, did not show, have not
decided, died, feared, cut, has not happened, survived
b used to travel, was, used to live or lived, used to fly or
would fly, used to take or would take, had, were flying, gaining,
turned, flew, were waiting, told
G Supply the missing words in these sentences
1 at 2 in, in 3 to/from, on 4 on, on 5 at
6 in (to), to 7 in 8 of 9 in 10 in
11 in 12 on 13 with 14 at/on 15 to
Special difficulties
A Words often confused
1 between 2 usual 3 headmaster 4 clothing
5 clothes 6 clear 7 clear 8 wash
9 mood 10 temper 11 too 12 fairly
13 old enough 14 petrol
B Write sentences using each of the following
1 I always get up at 7 o'clock. /She is slowly getting over
her illness. /The prisoners couldn't get away. The walls were too
high. /Get out! You're annoying me.
2 Please keep off the grass./They built the wall round the
house to keep people out./ The teacher kept all the children in
after school for misbehaving. /John found it difficult to
keep up. The others were running too fast for him.
3 He has deceived a lot of people, but he can't take me in./I
think you should take up a new hobby. / The plane took off at 4
yesterday afternoon./ The girl's mother took her doll away.
4 I ran into a very old friend last weekend./ We have run out
of bread. Can you get some? / Don't run away: I want to talk to
you./ She ran after him as he cycled off down the road.
5 She didn't want to tell the truth, so she made up a silly
story./ As soon as we reach the top of the hill, we'll turn
round and make for home./ From this distance, I can't make out what
they're doing./In order to make up for what he had done before,
he took them all out for a good meal.
C Write sentences using the following
1 The leaves of many trees turn yellow in autumn.
2 If you leave milk out in the heat, it will go sour.
3 In winter here it grows dark by 5 o'clock.
4 If you fall ill while you're here, you must see a doctor.
5 If all my dreams come true, I shall be a very happy man.
6 Don't get angry with me: it wasn't my fault.
1…so do I. 2…neither should I. 3… so am I.
4…so will I. 5…so did I. 6 … neither have I.
10 Did the search for the puma prove difficult? (Yes, it did.)
11 Why? (Because it was often seen at one place in the morning
and at another place in the evening.)
12 What did the puma eat? (Deer and small animals like
13 What evidence was found for the puma's existence? (Paw
prints and puma fur.)
14 What sorts of noises did people complain about? (‘Cat-like
15 When did a businessman see a puma up a tree? (When he was
on a fishing trip.)
16 The experts were fully convinced of its existence, weren't
they? (Yes, they were.)
Asking questions: Ask me if…
T: Ask me if pumas are found in America.
S: Are pumas found in America?
T: Where…?
S: Where are pumas found?
1 pumas are found in America. (Where)
2 a puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London.
3 the reports were taken seriously. (Why weren't)
4 the Zoo felt obliged to investigate. (Why)
5 the descriptions given by people who had seen the puma were
similar. (In what way)
6 the hunt for the puma began in a small village. (Where)
7 a puma will attack a human being. (On what occasions)
8 the puma left behind a trail of dead deer and small animals.
9 puma fur was found clinging to bushes. (What)
10 a businessman saw a puma up a tree. (Where)
Tell the story
1 Hunt began ---- small village----woman picking
blackberries----large cat----five yards
2 Ran away----experts confirmed----not attack----cornered
3 Search difficult----puma----one
place----morning----another twenty miles away----evening
4 Wherever it went----trail ----dead deer----small animals
5 Paw prints----puma fur----bushes
6 Several people complained----cat-like
noises----businessman fishing trip----up a tree
7 Experts convinced---- was a puma ----where from?
8 No puma reported missing----zoo in the country----
thought it was going to come towards her and perhaps attack her.
She dropped her basket and screamed loudly. Hearing the
sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes, after which Mrs.
Stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.She told her
neighbours that she had seen a puma in the countryside, but they
did not believe her. She also telephoned the police but they
didn't believe her either. (148 words)
Key to Letter writing
address: ____________,
beginning of letter (Dear…,)
ending (Yours…,)
postscript (PS…)
Key structures: simple, compound and complex
a A simple sentence contains one subject and one predicate:
The play (subject) was very interesting (predicate). 1KS1
b We form compound statements by joining simple sentences
with co-ordinating conjunctions:
He finished lunch and (he) went into the garden. 1KS25
c In complex sentences, at least one clause is made
subordinate to the main clause. The most usual way of doing this
is by using one of the various subordinating conjunctions: when,
until, after, etc.:
He missed the train (main clause) because he did not hurry.
(=subordinate clause of reason) 1KS49
Special difficulties: prepositions at the end of
Most single-word prepositions (up, at, etc.) can be separated
from the words they refer to in:
Wh-questions: Who(m) are you talking about? rather than:
About whom are you talking?
Relative clauses: That is the film I told you about. rather
than: That is the film about which I told you.
Key to SD Exercises
A 1 at 2 to 3 to 4 in 5 on
B 1 He is the man we have heard so much about.
picking blackberries saw ‘a large cat’.
Where did the hunt begin?
S: In a small village.
10 T: Was the puma seen by a man or a woman?
S: By a woman.
11 T: What was the woman doing at the time?
S: Picking blackberries.
12 T: The hunt for the puma…
S: The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman
picking blackberries saw ‘a large cat’.
Key to Multiple choice questions
1 d 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 d 6 b
7 d 8 d 9 c 10 b 11 b 12 a
第1个回答  2013-07-15