
Useem reflects that collective ethos offers a major role in the development of the company. The bankers learned how important to avoid the red paint to keep the members of the groups to complete the training course during the training course. In relation to the necessity of collectivity, Useem draws a parallel with the business world. The management needed to consider the company first, then the staff, and finally, themselves. He concludes by highlighting the importance of leadership actions should Creating company value, not the pursuit of private value.

Slow Life

is a beautiful hill road on the European Alps, the entrance of which hangs a
sign saying: "Walk slowly, please enjoy!"

Nowadays, network era can let us have a wide range of knowledge. Rich life makes us accustomed to the pursuit of material and enjoy. At the same time, we also found that busy and blind life make us feel like being held by an invisible rope, running madly on the way of life.

Many people
,with a blindfold, are like the race horse, trying to run forward. In addition
to the end of the line, they can't see anything.

A famous American singer once said: “I felt very sad. Because every child was born, I was
not at home, my wife alone raising children. I’ve never seen the children take
the first step of the way. I have never heard of their naive crying and
laughing, only indirect description from my wife. In addition, my friends and I
also gradually alienated, and I haven't touched a book, or have a look at the
trees in the garden. I had promised to go on holiday with my wife, but canceled
always because of busy and....."

If you don’t want to leave the regret
behind; if you don’t want the same mistake happen to you, it’s high time for you
to slow down the pace of life.
The process of life should be a degree of relaxation, in the knowledge
explosion of the information age, how can we
not live up to our ideals and pursuits, but also do not forget to slow down and
enjoy the scenery along the way of life and care for others, familiar or
Walking in the street, slow down your hurried pace. In the zebra, an
old man with the help of a child, moved with great care. The red scarf around
the neck of the child floats in the wind , into the most beautiful blue color.
The old man and the child hold in hands, which consists of a beautiful picture,
Can’t it make you feel warm? So Friends, slow down the footsteps of a hurry,
you'll find out the beauty around you.