急要一篇英语日记。Miss Gao上周五因一起意外事故从自行车上摔下折断胳膊而住院。今天(星期天)上午和班...

急要一篇英语日记。Miss Gao上周五因一起意外事故从自行车上摔下折断胳膊而住院。今天(星期天)上午和班上几名同学去医院看望她,并祝她早日康复。我们告诉她在期末考试中我们取得优异成绩,她很高兴。也祝我们暑假生活快乐,并鼓励我们再接再厉。

Last Friday, Miss Gao had an accident. She fell off her bike and broke

her arm. So she had to go to hospital. This morning, I went to see her with my
classmates. We got there by taxi and took some fruits and flowers. All of us
wished her to get better soon. We told Miss Gao that we all did well in the examination. we got a very good result. She was very glad when she heard
that then she hoped that we could have a happy summer holiday and keep on studying . After one hour’s talking we left the hospital.
第1个回答  2012-11-14
Last Friday, Miss Gao was hospitalized due to an accident in which she fell off her bike and fractured her arm. This morning, my classmates and I visited her in hospital and wished her speedy recovery. We told her that we have obtained splendid results in the end of year exam and she was very pleased. She also wished us happy holiday and encouraged us to strive for the better.

Hope it helps.
第2个回答  2012-11-13