

1. at any minute随时,在任何时刻
  2. at the last minute在最后一刻;在紧要关头;在危急时刻
  3. every minute
  a. 每分钟;时时刻刻
  b. 完全,彻底
  4. from one minute to the next在极短的时间内,瞬间
  5. half a minute片刻
  6. in a minute立刻,马上,一会儿
  7. Just (或Wait)a minute!
  a. 稍等一下;等一会儿!
  b. 慢着!别忙(我还有话说)!
  8. just this minute刚才,方才
  9. make a minute of something把某事记录下来,(尤指)记录开会讨论的事项
  10. minute down把…记录下来
  11. never(或not)for a(或one) minute决不;从来没有;从不;完全不;一点也不;根本不
  12. on the minute准时,一分钟不差
  13. take the minutes(尤指开会)做记录
  14. the minute(that)一…就,当…(即)
  15. to the minute一分钟不差,准时地
  16. up to the minute[美国英语]最新的;最新式的[亦作 up-to-the-minute]
  17. Wait(或Just)a minute!
  a. [口语]
  b. 稍等一下!等一会儿!
  c. 慢着!别忙(我还有话要说)!
第1个回答  2012-09-23
ny minute (或 at any minute)
1. 随时
at the minute

1. (英,非正式)目前;此时
by the minute

1. (尤指变化进程)迅速地,极快地matters grew worse by the minute.事态迅速恶化。
just (或 wait) a minute

1. 稍等片刻wait a minute—I have to put my make-up on.稍等一下——我还要化妆。2. 且慢wait a minute—that just isn't true.且慢——那根本不对。
the minute (或 the minute that)

1. 一…(就)
not for a minute

1. 根本不,一点也不don't think for a minute that our pricing has affected our quality standards.千万不要认为我们的定价影响了我们的质量标准。
this minute (或 this very minute) informal 非正式

1. 立即,马上2. (英)刚才,方才I've &B{just this minute} got back to the flat.我刚回到公寓。