

Teachers' Day is here and first we want to wish you a happy Teachers' Day.
Though we've been immature sometimes and have made you angry, we promise that we would not keep doing the same things again.
This is a present from our whole class. It's cooling down now and you can warm your feet with your new present. Let the warm slippers accompany you throughout the cold winter, and we wish you happiness always.
第1个回答  2008-09-09
This is Teachers' Day, first of all I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!

Although sometimes we were not sensible, and always made you angry, but we now assure that we will not allow this phenomenon to continue.

This is a gift from our whole class, you can use it to warm feet as soon as the weather turn cooler, let the the slippers accompany with you throughout the cold winter, and we wish your happiness!
第2个回答  2008-09-09
Teacher's Day is coming.Firstly,wish you a happy Teacher's Day!
Although sometimes our naive and ignorance makes you angry,but we
promise that it won't happen again.This is a gift from all of your
students in this class.It is getting cold and it can keep your feet
warm.We hope this warmful slippers will be with you for all the cold
winter.Wish you happy!