Don't pass the buck.不要推卸责任、这句话为什么英文要这么说,有什么典故吗谢谢


pass the buck的意思是“把责任推给另一个人”。它的起源和poker game(纸牌游戏)有关。
据说,在19世纪的纸牌戏中,buck是指“(猎兽用)大型铅弹”或者“带有用鹿角做的手柄的刀”。当轮到某个人发牌时,buck就会被转交给这个人。在1865年,pass the buck成为纸牌术语,意思是“把发牌权转交给某人”。后来pass the buck的意思就演变成“把责任推给另一个人”了。

美国总统杜鲁门曾经有一句名言:the buck stops here,意思是“他会为政府部门的行为承担最终的责任”。Buck在这里的意思是“责任”。


buck for:为升迁或利益而努力、千方百计地谋求
buck up:(使)兴奋; 鼓舞振作起来、打起精神
buck up against:反抗、不甘沉默


第1个回答  2012-04-04
The original meaning of the word "buck" was one American Dollar. It comes from colonial times, when Native Americans and traders would trade one buckskin ("a buck") for a dollar, so "a buck" came to mean "a dollar".

The term "buck" in "pass the buck" supposedly has a different origin. Supposedly, it relates to using a knife with a buckskin handle to indicate whose turn it is to ante up in a poker game. So, "passing the buck" means passing the obligation to ante up from person to person.

I think these two meanings got merged by the time Harry Truman had his famous sign that "the buck stops here", but it mostly still meant the obligation to do what you need to do (such as ante up in a poker game) shouldn't be passed on without meeting it first.
第2个回答  2012-04-04
pass the buck
源自扑克游戏,buck 是庄家的标志。