

第1个回答  2009-02-24
I know it calls for my tremendous courage. I believe I must have been insane to say these to you because of my high fever these days. It's a big challenge for me to appply for your school with such poor English competence. But there is no turning back. I won't find any opportunity and passion to do it again if I don't pluck up courage this time. Besides the works and material I have prepared, I am really devoted to everything. However, when it comes to English,I feel ashamed of my performance in the exame. If I can get an opportunity to let you know more of me, I believe I won't let you down!
第2个回答  2009-02-24
I knew that's pretty hard for me to tell you something like that after two days fever that I had. I knew that I should be crazy for sending application form to your school without good english test result. But I didn't have any back up. I am sure if I give up right now that I could not have such good chance and emotion to do it again. I had prepared all of application forms very hard and I used all my heart. Only the english!! I feel so sorry for not good enough english test. If your school should give me a chance to let me try,I think that I will do my best to prove that I shoul not make you feeling disappoint.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2009-02-24
I know it takes a great deal of courage for me, I think I must have a fever the past two days, a halo burned tell you these words before. My English because of the unsatisfactory results of the application you left school. I think I must be crazy a. But I do not retreat, I think if I do not have the courage to do now, it may be difficult after such an opportunity and a passion to do. I spent apart from my efforts to prepare for work and materials, I also spent a really ah go completed. Only in English, I am ashamed I did not test well. If I could give you a better understanding of organic me, I want to I will not let you disappointed。
第4个回答  2009-02-24
I think if I don't do it now with courage, I will never be able to have passion and chance to do it in the future. (这句也不对劲,用了真心去完成什么?英语考试?)However, it's such a pitty that I didn't do good on English language test. But I think if I got a chance to let you know me better, I would not dissapoint you.(这句说实话也有点问题。了解和失望并不是因果关系了解是对你个人,因果是对某件事。)

第5个回答  2009-02-24
I know that must have courage for me and told you that maybe I am to be under an attack of fever. Although my English is very pool,to go to yours school is only way I must do. I reckon if now don't have courage to do this, the chance and ardor will without me.Importent is except works(可以根据你作品类型改动) and material,I prepared genuineness for it. The English, i am very sorry that didn't have good result.But if you can acquaint with me to more than more,I am very sure you cann't disappointed about me.
